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Procedural Texturing - Free/Cheap options?

Sorry if this gets asked a lot but couldn't turn up anything in search.

It sounds like since the last time I did much 3d on any serious level, procedural texturing has become a pretty big part of the standard tool kit next to Photoshop, a camera and your 3d studio of choice. While there have been times I wouldn't worry too much about dropping $100 on software (cause that's cheap compared to Photoshop), unfortunately now isn't one of them.

Are there free, or very cheap options that can even compare to stuff like Surface Designer? I picked up and started playing with MapZone, but of course it's no longer supported. I found one open source MapZone-like tool but it also no longer appears to be receiving updates. I was looking into what it would take to set up a PBR-compatable workflow and that doesn't appear to have trickled down anywhere yet other than an experimental Blender fork.

(On a side note, can anyone recommend good general how-tos? I get the basic mechanics of the node system but not what all the filters/generators are supposed to do, nor how to get from random patern to something that looks recognizable.)


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