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Having big troubles with UVs in Max and Unreal...

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Paquette_e triangle
Hey guys!

I've posted a thread to ask someone to help me on skype with UVs cause I can't get things done correctly after watching many tutorials. But the only answer I've get was sugesting me to post my work on the forum so here we go:

I've did a very basic shape...

Here's the link to download the .max file (2015): http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=50892644884632145641

What it looks like in Max:

And in Unreal:

Thanks for your help!


  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    So, what's wrong ?
  • Paquette_e
    Offline / Send Message
    Paquette_e triangle
    The texture is correct on one side and completely stretched on the other side of the pillar
  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    If you import the fbx (not the max file) back in to max are the UVs messed up?
  • pangaea
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    pangaea polycounter lvl 5
    The textures are not stretched.

    Can you just have a checkerbox texture and use it as the model in UE4 as then you see it isn't stretched. Note, two of the sides of the pillar are a bit longer, than the rest in the UV space.

    Also, you should consider getting marmoset and using that. I don't know why you are learning how to use UE4 if you want to be a character artist. Through you might you have changed your mind.

    Either way, why not just render it in marmoset.
  • Paquette_e
    Offline / Send Message
    Paquette_e triangle
    This is how it looks when re-importing in max:
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    google UV checker pattern for a pattern that has signifiers of which way is up, like letters or different colors, it's hard to tell with just a black and white checker pattern
  • Paquette_e
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    You probably have 2 UV channels or you aren't saving/applying the UV layout to the model, I don't use Max otherwise I'd have more detail suggestions.
  • Paquette_e
    Offline / Send Message
    Paquette_e triangle

  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    Did you try collapsing your modifiers to see if that helps? Are you sure this is channel 1/the first set of UVs in Max, or you on a different map channel? What version FBX are you exporting? Maybe try resetting the Xform or saving a snapshot of your model? (Incase it's just some strange glitch on this model, happens sometimes, usually making a snapshot fixes strange things like a mesh causing crashing on export) Is it a strange texture/material problem versus the UVs being correct? (IE having the material tile alot in one direction versus another)
    If all of that doesn't work, I'd suggest just making another simple quick model like a box with an extrusion and UVing that to see if it was just some random problem.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    What version of fbx are you exporting? Would try setting to 2014 or earlier to test. I've run into a similar issue as well, and had something to do with the latest version of fbx saving out wrong.
  • Visceral
    Yeah i had this issue and posted about it in the Unreal Devs Facebook group. its an issue with 3ds ax 2015 and specificly SP3 where it fucks with the UV's during import into Unreal. If you check in unreal the UV's are correct but when looking in the viewport its like its not unwrapped at all.

    Earlier versions dosnt work either. My sollution was to reinstall max and dont install any service packs for it. Or just permanently switch to an earlier version of max.
  • dennisvolkerts
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    dennisvolkerts polycounter lvl 3
    In Maya you have some fbx options for Y-up or Z-up. (max probably wants Z-up)
    maybe that or some other fbx options can be the problem...

    or just a viewport issue with your videocard?
  • MephistonX
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    MephistonX polycounter lvl 9
    I had this issue for ages and finally found out the answer, simply convert your model to an editable mesh, then export - this fixes it ( then you can change it back to an editable poly and it will still work )

    No idea why this happens but I was working on a file another modeller had started and found every single asset had this issue, almost ended up recreating the lot from scratch until i discovered this.
  • Knightfall3D
    If you want to protect your modelling stack, just stick an edit mesh modifier on top, rather than collapse it - works just as well. If you need to change anything afterwards, just delete the edit mesh modifier and re-add it before you export.

    Hopefully they'll sort this out soon!

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