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Adjusting maps, textures are heavy as much as high polygons?

Hi guys, I'm noob to 3d modelings.

I was trying to make seveal low poly stuffs with Modo,
it has good quality of renderer but it is kinda heavy maybe because it shows good results.

Anyway, if I adjust couple of textures and bump, displacement maps, Modo nearly crashes, and rendering takes looong time. Even on extremely low polygons.

What I'm wondering is, then how do people deal with textures in games?
This texture problem should be in other apps too I guess. I think texturing itself is already heavy on system.

Then how do people deal with texturing and bump, displacement maps?
Do they use game engine textures so they don't have deal with imported original heavy textures?
Or do they simply won't use much textures beacuse they can be heavy on rendering?


  • GlowingPotato
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    GlowingPotato polycounter lvl 11
    There are many techniques that speed up the process of rendering for games.
    Today, video memory bandwidth, memory capacity and draw calls is more concerning then poly count.

    But you shouldn't have any problem working with a single model on any DCC tool, even when using all kind of eye candy. Maybe your computer is not ready for 3D production ?
  • Eric Chadwick
    What resolution are you using for your textures? Most game models use textures which are 1024x1024 or less. 2048 is rarely used, and 4096 even more rare.

    What hardware are you using? For example: Intel i5-2500 3.30GHz, 16 GB RAM, 128 GB SSD, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260, Windows 8.1.
  • Farfarer
    Offline / Send Message
    Farfarer polycounter lvl 17
    Try turning off irradiance caching. It's a fairly big overhead for rendering but you won't see the benefits for low poly meshes (in fact, if it's low poly enough it'll look worse in renders).

    But the renderer is gonna be handling a ton of stuff that games engines won't be dealing with.
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