...I have no idea why my images show up like they have a terrible filter applied to them, and this only happens in chrome. They look fine when saved off of chrome and opened as well as when viewed in firefox.
The closest I've read to a solution is to clear cache when did not help
I cleared browsing and download history, cookies and plug-in data, and cached images and files
and ideas?
bottom is in chrome, and top is that image saved and viewed on my desktop
What software are you using to save your files? Sometimes a color profile is added to images.
What file format? Probably not the issue here, but if you used something fairly exotic it could cause trouble. Always good to have more info.
What have you searched so far? I found some answers in a few minutes, searching "chrome image dark", then digging around some.
I was searching along the lines of chrome images blurry. The saved files look correct though it's just on chrome that images look off and even then it's not all images but random ones.
The images I saved to test I just dragged from the webpage to the desktop so simple .jpg's