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Biped to Maya naming issue

polycounter lvl 6
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rorozilla polycounter lvl 6
Hey there guys!

So I've been doing a couple projects lately that required me to take models that were either made with Max or Blender and animate them in Maya.

Everything works fine in Maya, but I've come to realize that other modeling software allow for spaces and periods to be used in the naming of objects in the scene. Maya doesn't like that so it renames all my items to something like this:

Max Default Biped: "Bip01 Pelvis"
In Maya: Bip01FBXASC032Pelvis

So, I can live with the name being changed since I'm only animating, But the problem comes when I need to export those objects. In Max, Blender and Unity, They all go back to the appropriate name, But in Unreal, it keeps the Ugly Maya name.

That's a big issue for me since the entire pipeline of the game I'm workign on is based on that naming convention from Max's Biped.

Is there a way I can make sure my FBX exports properly form Maya to Unreal?


  • GlowingPotato
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    GlowingPotato polycounter lvl 11
    ou can use the search and replace tool to rename your bones before exporting.
  • rorozilla
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    rorozilla polycounter lvl 6
    Maya dose not support spaces unfortunately that's why I'm running into this pesky issue to begin with :C

    but thank you for your response. I think maybe the answer relies on the Unreal side of things, since its the only one that doesn't seam to want to rename my object. I am using the pretty silly solution of importing my FBX back into Max before exporting it into Unreal. But I'm looking for a more stream line approach, if there is one!
  • antweiler
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    antweiler polycounter lvl 8
    The rigid naming convention, and bone structure is one of the reasons to avoid biped (for me ). If the fbx importer from Unreal doesnt replace "Bip01FBXASC032Pelvis" with "Bip Pelvis", (like the Max importer does , I believe), then exporting via Max seems to be the best option, since it can be automated with scripts.
    Using Maya compatible naming in the engine would be more elegant to me, but that wouldnt work if you want to export animations from both max and maya.
  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    What versions of all the software are you using?

    If I export from Max 2014 to Maya 2014 to Unity 5.0 everything comes in fine. Seems like the problem is Unreal to me.

    Try exporting from Maya as FBX ASCII format. Open the file in notepad. For me all the names appear correct with spaces. This means that Maya is working, but Unreal is converting spaces to "FBXASC032" as well.

    The best solution would be just just convert the spaces to underscores in 3ds Max using Tools > Rename Objects. I've done this before with biped without issues. And then use similar tools in Maya and Blender to match everything up. It's a lot of work, but it only needs to be done once.
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