Hi guys I'm going through my first ever model starting from a sculpt and taking it to textured low poly.
So far this is my workflow...
1. Create Sculpt in Zbrush.
2. Decimate/Export to Maya and create Retopo Lowpoly with QuadDraw.
3. UV Unwrap Lowpoly.
4. Polypaint sculpt in Zbrush
5. Create all texture maps using XNormals.
6. Apply them to Lowpoly and Render!
What I'm stuck on is what to do after I polypaint. How do I get the same UV map as I do on my retopo'd lowpoly mesh so the texture map lines up?
How I created the normal map was from using the Highpoly Decimated mesh that was perfectly lined up with the lowpoly mesh in maya. I exported both of those as obj. and the normal map turned out great.
But how do I do the polypaint map? Any help would greatly appreciated.. Also if you have any crit on my workflow please say so.
Thank you
"Basically, just poly paint as you want to in ZBrush. No need for UV mapping on the high poly model, you're fine.
Make your low poly mesh and add UVs.
Use xNormal and UNcheck "Ignore per-vertex-color" on the high poly model. Then you can turn on "Bake highpoly's vertex colors" on the baking tab and it will translate the vertex colors you painted in ZBrush into a texture map that matches your low poly UVs."
and this youtube video (4min) [ame="
For comparison this is my normal map with the decimated mesh ontop of the lowpoly.
And this is the Zbrush sculpt exported as obj. onto the lowpoly.
Any ideas as so whats wrong? Thank you
The lowpoly was lined up with my decimated mesh but not the imported polypainted mesh. I moved it up at first when I was doing QuadDraw!