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RIP Antique Camera The Postmortem

polycounter lvl 11
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reckzilla polycounter lvl 11
Hey guys! My name is Morrissey Alexander and this is camera! This was a project under the guidance of Alex Dracott(You guys surely remember his awesome forest scene!!) This project was used as a catalyst for me to learn more about creating high quality3d Art and more specifically work on texturing.



So the process!!!!

I unfortunately had to reformat my computer a few times through out the process so a lot is missing XD But it should be good enough to find some screenshots!!!

I modeled well a high poly model of the camera figured out all it's proportions and forms just getting a general understanding of the asset Deciding what will be modeled what will be textured etc etc I got a lot of insight and information from Alex on the topic. Learned a lot about what bakes well and what doesn't how o bake properly and how not to bake and how to bake tests. I also learned how to model high poly properly for baking purposes. Basically it's safe to say I learned a shit ton about baking normal maps and AO maps and that know ledge has changed my entire approach to modeling and texturing.


See!!!! Another thing that I learned that shook my world was edge smoothing!! Learning about hard vs Soft edges for presentation and baking that was incredible and mind blowing! I learned a nifty bit how unwrapping for baking and that changed a lot as well something I thought about but this was when it was solidified.

Next we have the Texturing!!!!!

So, in this new era of PBR I had to learn how to do it! Just a year ago I could barely texture at all! But I got up! Sat down and researched and practiced until I had an applicable knowledge of tetxuring!




So, I had an idea of how to texture. Months of grinding and lots of feedback from Chris Platz, Javier Olazabal, and Farhan Noor and I was really starting to get a hang of this texturing and lighting thing. Thanks to Javier I bumped into Alex on a website called Game Mentors Online I don't know if the sites back up or not but it's worth a look.

Anyways... Alex lectured me on the nuances of texturing! I learned a lot about less is more, surface variation, reflectivity, the diference between Diffuse, Albedo, Modern Specular, Pre Gen Specular, Normal maps and how these maps work with one another. So, I did my obnoxious crazy fun journey to texture things and stuff!!




Far from the best but I learned more about textures and their application. Not sure what else to say XP I lovec working on this until close to the end because eventually you get sick of staring at the same thing for too long, Oh well thanks for reading!


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