I have the problem with 3ds MAX that whenever I extrude one of the two original vertcies "doubles".
So I have 2 vertecies (sometimes even 3 extra vertecies are created) at that point all off the sudden right on top of each other (which can be welded but) it makes no sense to me what am I doing wrong?
you are trying to extrude a vertex?
I'm using 3ds MAX 2015.
Nope I'm selecting an edge and then hit "extrude"
How many edges are selected before you press Extrude? Look in the bottom of the Selection rollout in Editable Poly, it will say how many edges are currently selected. I'm thinking maybe your selection method is grabbing unseen edges.
Another possibility... if you're extruding in the middle of a surface, it will create extra vertices around the base of the extrude. This is how the code behind Editable Poly works, it won't allow an "illegal" polygon, if you just wanted a single-sided fin sticking out of a surface, with the base welded to the surface. You have to attach that fin as an unwelded element instead.