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Anatomy study, please help


I am attempting my first female character ever! There are many small subtleties in the female form that are very soft and delicate, but I still need some help getting there! Any crits and suggestions are more than welcome!


  • jmerrick

    Here is the character ref I am creating as well as the progress I've made so far on her...
  • skodone
    Offline / Send Message
    skodone polycounter lvl 2
    the only thing popping to my eye is that the face proportions seem off
  • BradMyers82
    Offline / Send Message
    BradMyers82 interpolator
    I think your on the right track man, just need to keep working on it and looking at various ref.
    Key areas that stand out to me are..
    -shoulders look unaturally hunched forward
    -clavicle/neck area isn't defined correctly. You should have like a divot right above the clavicle, and then the trap is further back and runs up the spine.
    -Id give her more of a lower belly, based on the current body fat and proportions.
    -back area where the tricep meets the armpit isn't defined right. There is like an odd gap.
    -Be very careful how you simulate the muscles of the back and bone. it changes drastically based on stance/posture etc. Yours looks a bit unatrual as I said before with the shoulders coming forward, so it throws it off further. But the shoulder blades are not quite right. You need to define them more with shape/volume rather than lines. That area in general looks a bit fudged and I would go back to some more ref. for that. But overall I think its really promising. When ever I see these threads I'm sorta scared to open them because lots of times there are just too many things to crit. Yours is on the right track so good job!
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