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Umbra - Indie ARPG Hack&Slash

Hello Polycount!

We are a small team of 3 people. We've been working hard the last years/months with our saving to create this project we are passionnate about.
Here it is:

Umbra is an isometric view open world action-RPG, features a unique mechanic called Apocalyptic Form that allows players to shape shift into a highly customized character!


  • Open World : Discover the world and enjoy it at your own convenience
  • Exploration and experimentation is rewarded with new powers, attributed according to your play style!
  • Free character development - No class limitation. You have three resources: Rage, Stamina and Mana, and they all interact with each other in order to balance gameplay.
  • Apocalyptic Form: According to your play style, you will develop special powers for your character, changing their abilities and look. Fierce melee warriors may gain a third arm to equip with a new weapon; a fire caster will have their skin turn into lava and heal from fire. Even wings and horns might appear on your character depending on your actions!
  • Tons of Loot: Weapons, Armor, Potions and randomly generated magic effects for more gameplay diversity!
  • Semi procedural Weaponry: Blades, pommel and guard details can be randomized for more unique gear in the game!
  • Advanced Crafting mini-game: Build your own weapons and armors thanks to a complex and challenging module in Umbra
  • Tons of Destructible environments: From small walls to complete parts of an area. We hope you enjoy it!
  • Housing: Create your own house and proudly showcase your special gear!
  • Mature story full of secrets to discover exploring the world
  • Kythera AI system: The automatic real time navigation adaptation of Kythera adapts to any change in the physics of the world, allowing us to create exciting scenes including large portion of levels collapsing or moving and fighting on the back of giant creature, creating never seen before gameplay situations!
  • Dungeon challenge (Stretch goal): Transform a special part of your house into a dungeon and challenge other players to survive the onslaught!
  • Multiplayer mode (stretch goal): Multiplayer is an ambitious goal we would love to achieve, but it must be done correctly. We plan to have different interesting stretch goals for you that will allow us to build the foundation of the multiplayer. In the best case scenario, we would like to have the following mods: Dungeon Challenge (see above), Co-Op mode, and Competitive Plaver vs Player vs AI.

We are currently on kickstarter! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1062682568/umbra
Don't hesitate to check out the page to find more information about the game.

Here is the youtube KS video : https://youtu.be/Nz-xunEI1X0

Feel free to ask any question here, you guys make amazing art, I learned a lot here.


  • Blond
    Offline / Send Message
    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    This screenshot is..freaking gorgeous.

    Edit: PArdon me finally took the time to watch the video. Yes, this is incredible job for a team of 3. I wanted to back it but KS doesnt accept paypal darn.

    You guys are french right?
  • Synce
    Offline / Send Message
    We will support paypal soon we hope.
    Yes we are french :)
  • Torch
    Offline / Send Message
    Torch interpolator
    I read about this in this months Games TM, video looks sweet. I'd wish you good luck but doesn't look like you need it :)
  • megalmn2000
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    megalmn2000 polycounter lvl 13
    Visuals are stunning! Congrats for the hard work! :D
  • Geezus
    Offline / Send Message
    Geezus mod
    I've been seeing stuff about this popping up recently. I dig it!

    Honest question, are there any issues with you using the name "Umbra" considering Umbra is a popular middleware culling/lod system?
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    I have been watching this for a long time. This 3 mates really worked a lot for that game

    Wishing you all the best mates ! :D
  • beefaroni
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    beefaroni sublime tool
    This is one of the few quickstarter videos I've actually watched all the way through. Really nice job, and GL!
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 9
    Looks amazing! Love seeing great looking games using CryEngine, and this is definitely the type of thing I would be into. Weapon customization looked really cool. You'll have my support!
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    This looks fantastic, and it looks like a blast to play... BUT, i don't like the idea that multiplayer might not ever make it into the game (and if it does, that co-op seems to be further down the line than anything else). For me, co-op is what makes aRPG's fun, and without it i would just lose interest after 5 minutes.
  • slipsius
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    slipsius mod
    This looks fantastic, and it looks like a blast to play... BUT, i don't like the idea that multiplayer might not ever make it into the game (and if it does, that co-op seems to be further down the line than anything else). For me, co-op is what makes aRPG's fun, and without it i would just lose interest after 5 minutes.

    100% this.

    Also, the melee combat looks a tad slow for my taste. the magic casting looks fantastic and a great speed, but ya, melee seems a bit slow. I would have to play it to feel how it plays though.

    Lookin forward to playing this one.
  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    It's crazy to imagine only 3 people made everything that was shown so far. I don't play many ARPGs but I backed this simply because it looks very well made. I just hope the overall scope of the project isn't too large for a small team to handle.
  • kunalht
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    kunalht polycounter lvl 2
    It's great!! Visuals are really great!
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    Looks beautiful! great job.
  • Synce
    Offline / Send Message
    Thanks everyone!
    Yes we worked a lot indeed.
    We really would like to do the multiplier too, but it's way more complicated, we didn't have to choice but propose it with a stretch goal.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Synce wrote: »
    Thanks everyone!
    Yes we worked a lot indeed.
    We really would like to do the multiplier too, but it's way more complicated, we didn't have to choice but propose it with a stretch goal.

    I understand why you've put multiplayer in as a stretch goal, what i don't understand is why you've prioritized several things above co-op gameplay.

    From a player perspective - Lack of co-op multiplayer will be a primary point of failure of your game if it's not in at or shortly after launch. As much as i feel like a dick for saying that, i can't help but feeling it's true. I can't even remember the last time i enjoyed playing an ARPG solo.
  • Synce
    Offline / Send Message
    Actually, the main developer did prioritize the gameplay, and nothing else. Co-op multiplier is a huge thing to program, too much for one dev, with all the other things to do.
    To do it, and I mean doing it right, we need more people, it needs expertise, a lot of play test, a lot of optimization... Way too much for just three of us.
    But we want to do it.
    We are not comparable with big studios, with hundreds of people working many years.
  • DimSum
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    DimSum null
    I agree with Synce, co-op multiplayer is a huge feature to build & need to be taken account from the very beginning of a project, not something you can slip in in between.
    It's something that will influence every level of your game: network programming, UI, gameplay rules, assets management and so on.
    Personaly, I would be very surprised if they can pull out a decent co-op mode without doubling their initial budget. I whish you guys good luck nonetheless! =)
  • Synce
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    Thanks :) To be honest, we did take it into account from the beginning. Some things are already done, or made for it. But there is still a lot to do.
  • DimSum
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    DimSum null
    Great, I'll be following you guys closely :)
  • DanglinBob
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    Is it playable at all yet? Are you guys sending out anything to promote it? I'd be curious to learn where the backing has (more or less) come from - for those of us who ... you know... may be doing Kickstarters in the future :D
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    DimSum wrote: »
    I agree with Synce, co-op multiplayer is a huge feature to build & need to be taken account from the very beginning of a project, not something you can slip in in between.
    It's something that will influence every level of your game: network programming, UI, gameplay rules, assets management and so on.
    Personaly, I would be very surprised if they can pull out a decent co-op mode without doubling their initial budget. I whish you guys good luck nonetheless! =)

    In a round about way, that was kind of my point... the earlier you can get it in, the better it will be. Because you can integrate it with existing features easier and FUTURE features can be built around it.

    I understand you're only 3 guys, but i just wanted to express my only reason for not pledging - these games aren't fun solo experiences for me. I've played enough ARPG's to know that, and while yours does look interesting, it doesn't look different enough to change my mind on that.
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