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KiwiHead vertex
I am working on this lowpoly robot for my portfolio and since he is really lowpoly I wanted to mainly focus on his textures. As I started working on him a friend noticed he kinda looks like something from Borderlands so I might go more into that artstyle. I am trying to acchieve a handpainted feel something like a crossover of WoW and Borderlands, especially the metal parts:).

Can anyone give some feedback? How could I improve it?



  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    Might have to chock this one up to a learning experience. I'm not loving the design or the execution. This little bot is generic as they come, Where is his personality? What makes him the bot he is? What is his function? I think you answer a couple of those questions you'll have informed decisions driving the design/execution of the model.

    If it truly is a mining bot, I's suggest getting better ref/design and taking another stab.

    did a little image search for "mining bot/droid"

    see - interesting design/better silhouettes/fun shapes...etc.
  • reckzilla
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    reckzilla polycounter lvl 11
    Hey looks cool so far, the idea is there but you need to be a bit more deliberate with the texture painting. There is a lot of brown and yellow and the brown doesn't quite seem to be "Defining" anything. Your texures should have noticeable surface change, so an example would be Painted metal, bare metal, dirt, scratches, signs of repair, wear/tear/brokenness, and etc.

    Here are some cool links to the texturing style hopefully it helps:





    Keep it up, this little guy aleady looks very cool.
  • KiwiHead
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    KiwiHead vertex
    Thanks guys really appreciate the feedback/suggestions. @Reckzilla those are some awesome tutorials, had no idea they did the textures using filters, thought those were all hand painted :poly136:. Regarding the surface changes I tried to make those more obvious using specularity and normals, I am not 100% happy with the results but its looking better than before ha.

    @pixelpatron Thanks man that's what feedback is about really appreciate your suggestions. Regarding the concept/model itself I am not planning on changing it as I just wanted to focus on texturing/materials (dont want to sound like a stupid noob ignoring feedback from vets but that was the exercise:poly122:). And yes I definitely did not put enough time researching/planning the design... My next mining bot will be definitely more functional :)

    [edit] I also added a bit of handpainted 'AO' on the diffuse and specular maps

    Here is the bot in its current state

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