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polycounter lvl 4
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P polycounter lvl 4
Hi! ;D
I took a challenge a few weeks ago (Just a personal one) to make a character. And I am kinda stuck in my colours. I just can't seam to find a good combination of colours. The idea here was to combine an "archer" with something Star Wars related (Sith, Rebel, Jedi). But I feel the shirt is kinda boring, but I can't figure a way around it. If anyone have any inputs I would be greatfull :)

The Materials are still just simple albedo and Gloss, and absolutely not the colours I want.


Thanks :)


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
    Offline / Send Message
    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Do a color exploration in Photshop.

    Mask out the separate color areas, run it under Hue and Saturation adjustment layers, and knock out some thumbs.
  • felicitousArtisan
    I actually think a lot of this colour scheme works, it just needs some tweaks to be more coordinated and to make the shapes read better.

    My approach would probably be: Don't have the harness and belts and leg straps brown (this is a key rule of fashion IRL: if you're wearing a leather belt and shoes, or carrying a leather bag and wearing leather shoes, ideally the leather colours should match). Make them black, but have them stand out from the fabric by making them shiner than it, make that gloss map and normal map work for their supper. Consider making the straps a little chunkier too.
    Change the back of the pants to a darker red, so it's still in the black and red theme, but creates a visually distinct area from the bright red coat edge.
    Get rid of the random wear patches on the boots. Make them leather with obvious metal parts on them; ie. steel toe caps/buckles etc. they'll read better. Try to think about where the foot would bend and place metal parts accordingly
    The shirt can probably stay brown, but consider making it a little lighter or also try grey, blue and off-white as alternatives if you're still not feeling it.
    That's my gut instinct anyway. I'd personally keep the jacket red/gold/black because it looks pretty nice to me!
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