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Stuck on brick tiling texture seam Xnormals

polycounter lvl 8
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MisterSande polycounter lvl 8
Hey all,

The last few days I have tried several tiling texture methods and in the end I preferred the method of using actual geometry bakes in Max over the more common methods inside Zbrush (2.5 Canvas, wrapmode method).

However, I just cannot get rid of this seam in my texture and it is driving me against the wall.


  • pixelquaternion
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    pixelquaternion polycounter lvl 6
    Hi there,

    Just use photoshop offset to fix it, there are many video tutorial on this.

    Regards Peter
  • MisterSande
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    MisterSande polycounter lvl 8
    Hi there,

    Just use photoshop offset to fix it, there are many video tutorial on this.

    Regards Peter
    thank you for the advice, but the way I see it using the "offset function" is not a solution at all. It is a cheap way to fix something that should not be needing a fix in the first place.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Looks like you're not modeling in whole units. So the brick copy hasn't been moved exactly. Your plane should be centered in the world, and should be whole units across. Then you can move the instances exactly.
  • MisterSande
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    MisterSande polycounter lvl 8
    @Peter, I just read my own post and sounded a bit rude. For this you have my apology !

    @ Eric, I did model the plane in whole units so I doubt this is the issue.

    What I found out is that the bricks do not need to be whole units at all as long as the pivot is correctly centered. Afterwards you can offset them fine and it will work.
    I just checked and it seems to finally working :) After 3 days of technical issues everything is finally coming together.

    Thank you Polycount yet again.
  • Eric Chadwick
    In my experience the pivots don't need to be centered. The pivot can be anywhere inside or outside the brick. I just need to offset it exactly the width of the baking plane. So that's where it helps to use whole numbers for the plane. Was your plane exactly 258924 units across?
  • MisterSande
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    MisterSande polycounter lvl 8
    If you want to offset the bricks correctly the pivot has to be placed in the center (at least in my method) since the offset gets calculated from the pivot point. This way the pivot in the center will easily snap towards the edge of the texture plane.

    My Plane was 256x256 units wide. (16x16, each brick was about 12x64 but i manually rotated and scaled allot of them).

    Very glad I can now move on to my next tiling issue: the grout, or underplane.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Ah, I think you've scaled your plane then, which caused you headaches, and will likely cause more problems. Your first screenshot shows you are moving the instanced brick from -129,462 to 129,462, which equals 258,924 units total distance.

    If you're snapping instead of moving numerically, you'll probably run into more trouble. Up to you of course though, just a suggestion.
  • pixelquaternion
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    pixelquaternion polycounter lvl 6
    Another trick i use when you want to tile it in 3d is to center the pivot point in each corners brick or stone and draw a plane with snap setting and you will get a perfect tiling solution every time.

    I was not offend by your answer at all.

    Regards Peter
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