Hey guys,
I stumbled across something I have no idea of. When I look at the wireframe of a cylinder in Unreal Engine 4, then compare it to my imported cylinder from Blender, it looks totally different. Can someone explain me this and give me some technical inside + performance explanation, why is UE4 these loopcuts, just to texture better, but why on the top?
I'm assuming the UE4 has 4 loopcuts in the height and on the top 1 loopcut. The Blender mesh, has no loopcut and on top of the cylinder, I used an NGON, which I heard is really bad ^^.
I know this type of mesh works better when tesselated, because the triangles are more evenly distributed. Tesselation is used for displacement, here's an example:
The ngon in your example is not too bad. As you can see it has been converted into triangles when imported into Unreal Engine. This happens with most game engines.
The biggest problem with a ngon is you are usually not able to control the shapes of the triangles it will create. Here's an example, same vertex positions but different triangles are created:
Another problem with your ngon, it has created long thin triangles. This is generally bad since the game engine becomes inefficient when rendering the model.
Still thanks alot for helping me out
Vertex lighting is still used quite a bit on mobile for performance reasons. I bet we'll see it used a lot on first generation VR, at least until the hardware catches up.