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Drawing and/or Sculpting, or: is one dependent on the other?

polycounter lvl 3
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BakedCookie polycounter lvl 3
Dunno if this has been asked/discussed around here but I've been wondering if it's normal (even plausible) to be good at one while sucking major time at the other. For me personally I find sculpting to come much more naturally than drawing. When sculpting I can lay down the key landmarks and define the overall shape within the first 30min to 2h. For drawing though, not only can I not produce original content but I cannot even replicate monochrome work of others (I put the original material on my second monitor and try to replicate it on my primary). I feel that I lack the ability to think in "shades" while on the other hand I can vividly visualize in my head the shape (or even literally the topology) of the object I want to make. So while I feel that I can get my sculpting to a good place with practice alone, when it comes to drawing I just have no idea what to do with it.

I'd really like to get a hang of both skills, but is it even possible to change the way I think when I start to draw? I'm a strong believer in that it is possible to learn anything with enough time and dedication, but this feels like something that one cannot get good at without the right mindset. What do you think guys?
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