Hello again, I tried to cut a polygon with "Cut" tool (in the right click menu or in the edit poly menu in the Modify stack) but a weird problem occurred, You can notice the problem in the image below:
The cut tool starts cutting from one of the near vertexes.
However, "Quick Slice" tool is working great. But I need "Cut tool" to be working properly,too.
Note: Snap tool (as you can see in the image) is off.
Try working in orthographic view since the cut tool is more reliable than the perspective view.
Regards Peter
EDIT: I found where the "cut" button is, tried it and the result is unfortunately same as the last scenario.
Also yeah orthographic view is much more reliable.
Thanks for the remind, I always am careful about that.
Yup! I manipulated the system and file units in 3DS Max and changed them to CM, MM and swapped between those units several times. Maybe that caused the problem.
It is call Pconnect and it work similar to the cut tool but i found it more reliable just give it a try and look at the various shortcuts for it.
Regards Peter
Thanks all.