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Noden Scout Game Character [WIP]

Hey guys. I've been working on designing and creating a game character in my spare time and I thought I would make a thread to keep track of my progress and get feedback.
I wanted to create a low tech sci-fi soldier inspired by Russian soldiers in Afghanistan. Something light, cheap, and dirty.

I have been changing the design a lot, but I'm getting to the point where I just want to get something I can show for it so I've tried finishing up the character's mask so I can at least get some practice texturing.


Will be making a few more changes before I continue adjusting what I have of the body, which I have been using Marvelous Designer and Mudbox with.

Feedback and criticism welcome. I spend most of my time doing hard-surface modelling and haven't textured properly in around a year.


  • yongheWang
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    yongheWang polycounter lvl 5
  • Dart07

    A test for the jumpsuit in Marvelous Designer that I brought into Mudbox. Going to model some shoulder, forearm and leg armor, pouches, straps, and possibly adding a hood / tall collar / jacket onto it. Need to also add more sci-fi elements as it looks too ordinary at the moment.
  • Dart07

    And finally, some very old work blocking out some of the shoulder armor and accessories and an old version of the mask. Will probably need to change them further.
  • Bonkahe
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    Bonkahe polycounter lvl 12
    I thought, the cracks on the glass appear to protrude due to the orientation of the normal maps, I believe they would be indentions.
  • Dart07
    Cheers! Didn't notice that! Will fix it in the next iteration.
  • Tzur_H
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    Tzur_H polycounter lvl 9
    very nice texturing and design. I feel like the design of the googles is not practical though. if that's designed for a human, whoever is going to wear it won't have much field of view, or any at all. and if that's for a soldier, that's even more of an issue. the location, size and angle just makes it looks unpractical to me.
  • John Baxter
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    John Baxter polycounter lvl 7
    I love it. Very reminiscent of the Civil Protection units from Half-Life 2.
  • yongheWang
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    yongheWang polycounter lvl 5
  • Dart07
    Blocking out armor around her. I have a feeling the proportions are off though.
    Going to go back into marvelous to fix proportions and pose before I detail the armor.

    Also adjusting the helmet design slightly.
  • noosence
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    noosence polycounter lvl 9
    Great material definition in the mask. The suit seems to be coming together nicely, subbed =]
  • Dart07
    Still think there is something up with the proportions.
  • Nick Holdorf
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    Nick Holdorf polycounter lvl 3
    Don't remove the second set of goggles. Use them as if they were tabs or another lens that folds over the main.
  • Dart07

    Further updates on the arm armor.
    Been refining the blocked out pieces into some more detailed hard-surface parts. Its just the first pass right now, but I will go back and make it more ergonomic/functional once i get the general details. Will continue more on the forearms tomorrow, and then do the knees. Will also add something round the back of the neck.

    Also made some adjustments to the overall proportions as it seemed too top heavy.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    This is looking really nice. One thing you might want to think of, is to block in everything at least with cubes at the beginning (thinking right now about the feet), unless of course you already did and hid those objects for these screenshots.

    If you do that from the beginning, and work all your chunks up at similar times, it can really help prevent things like noticing the design might be top heavy, because you can see the bulk as you go.

    Personally i think you could either balance it out with some bulkier boots, OR really play it up with dainty boots and scale up some of the shoulder stuff, and add some thigh or waist thickness too.
  • Dart07
    Thanks poop. Yeah, I should have blocked out the feet and hands a lot earlier but have been avoiding them. Going to block them out next and will probably make them fairly dainty as Im not a fan of huge boots. Not noticing anything wrong with the new proportions for now, and I hope it looks okay with the boots in.

    Blocked out the wrist armour with Compass tonight. Its got glass over it to protect it. Will integrate a watch onto the other wrist.


    Also properly blocked out the knee pads. Should have everything blocked out soon.
  • Dart07

    Finally getting back to this as I was busy. Fixed the proportions by bringing in a new character mesh and reshaped the clothes to it in Marvelous Designer. Brought the low detail version into Maya to use as reference. I an now working on the frame that holds all the armor on top together.
  • Kaine123
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    Kaine123 polycounter lvl 10
    You need to soften the edges a lot on those mechanical bits or else they won't bake very well.
  • Dart07
    Back to work after being abroad for a while.
    Almost done with the mechanical bits. Only need to create a shoulder joint that connects the arm, front and back. Also blocked out the new design for the arm armor that better follows the aesthetics of the mask.

    Added some mock-up magazines for mag pouch reference which I will move onto after the arms and shoulder are done.

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