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Crocotile 3D - a new 3d modeling tool that acts like a 2d map editor!

polycounter lvl 6
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Prominent polycounter lvl 6
Hello Polycount community,

I've recently released Crocotile 3D, a 3d modeling tool inspired by 2d map editors. In this editor tiles are used to create 3d scenes/models.

I have never really been that comfortable with the process and functionality of standard 3d editors, but now with Crocotile 3D, I am enjoying working with 3d more than I had before.

You draw to the scene using tiles, which are quads with the tileset texture applied and UVs set. These quads can be moved, and their geometry edited.
Faces/verts can be selected/deselected, moved/flipped/mirrored/rotated.
Tiles can be copied and pasted. There is undo/redo states for everything.
There is a lot more you can do, and the full list of commands can be found at the website which should give you a good idea as to the scope of the features. A video is also available that shows a bit of the modeling process.

You can download it for windows if you want to try it out (I will be looking into making mac/linux versions).
I'd be interested in getting some feedback from this community since everyone here is familiar with 3d programs and might spot certain things that could improve this program.


Here are a couple scenes I made with Crocotile 3D (cross-posted from the lowpoly thread in-case you haven't seen them):



  • Uberren
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    Uberren polycounter lvl 11
    Hey Prominent,
    This looks quite fun to use, I will try it out over the weekend and see what I think. :)
    Does this come with any pre-made tile textures or anything to mess around with?
  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6
    @Uberren , thanks- it comes with the swamp tiles shown in the first image, and also the swamp scene file that can be loaded into the program.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    I'll try this out soon! It looks super interesting.
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    That's really slick!
  • darkmag07
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    darkmag07 polycounter lvl 13
    I'd love to try out a Mac version if you get around to it.
  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks, I'll need to buy some new hardware so that I can work on a mac version. I'm not sure when that will be, but it is something I will pursue.
    v1.0.5 is available, which adds ability to resize tilesets without messing up UVs..
    At the moment I'm experimenting with a visual ruler type of thing to help measure, and judge distances.
  • Amatobahn
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    Amatobahn polycounter lvl 7
    This is fantastic.
  • Uberren
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    Uberren polycounter lvl 11
    SO after playing around with the program, I think my biggest concern is how easy it is to misclick and place unwanted tiles, along with the controls being quite clunky. I did sort of get the hang of it eventually but it still isn't quite as smooth as I think it could be.

    Also, it would be very helpful to be able to resize the little window with the texture in it just for the sake of being able to see what's in it a bit better.

    Overall, it's a neat program and hopefully you keep on improving it :)
  • Bolovorix
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    Bolovorix ngon master
    This looks really really cool... When I get some time I want to try and mess around with this.
  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6
    @Uberren , thanks for the feedback- can you describe what causes you to place unwanted tiles? It's difficult for me to understand since I'm very familiar with how to use the program, I'm probably overlooking something.. I plan to improve the tileset/texture window.

    also, I will have mac version available soon!
  • Uberren
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    Uberren polycounter lvl 11
    Hmm...I suppose it's just how I work. I can move very fluidly through a viewport with Maya/Max/Zbrush, etc without misclicking or misplacing things, but for some reason I was finding myself placing unwanted tiles while moving the camera around, for example, in Crocotile.

    I found I was accidentally moving verts I didn't realise were clicked when moving back to draw mode and changing the location of the 3D cursor.

    Having draw and edit be completely separate from each other and not have selections in edit mode carry over to draw mode would be helpful, I think.

    Sort of like how you can't move selected vertices in Maya after switching to object mode, if that makes sense.

    Oh yeah, one last thing, not sure if it's an error on my part, but I found that sometimes (in edit mode) I would be completely unable to select verts to move them, yet I was still able to select faces and move them. I could drag single vertices around, but never have more than one selected. Usually placing a new tile or something would fix this problem for me.
  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6
    Mac version is now available!

    Thanks for the feedback Uberren,
    I noticed the issue with the vertices too, I managed to track down the problem and fixed it. I will explore that idea about keep the selection only movable in edit mode- that should be easy to fix.

    version 1.0.6 adds a few things. Mouse buttons can be changed, added a show ruler option, plus other changes/fixes. See the changelog for details.
  • Geta-Ve
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    Geta-Ve polycounter lvl 7
    This is really pretty damn impressive. The usability could go up definitely, but damn if I am not blown away!

    Great job!
  • 3devo
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    3devo polycounter lvl 12
    i like the idea of this tool and the syle of art i hope it will promote. nice work.
    should probably say what image types and sizes it can import though. i found it supports pngs and 256 is the regular tile image size but these were not mentioned in your howto or help(so far as i could see). still i am excited to see where this goes keep it up
  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks Geta, 3devo!
    @3devo , I would use pngs, but you could try others and see if they work, you can also use images larger than 256. There is a circle on the tileset window that you can drag to pan the image if it extends beyond the window. I'll be working on improving the tileset window.
    I just demonstrated the program to like 30 or so people today at an indiecitygames meeting. Went well, and I met a few interesting people. Maybe I'll go again.
    Also if anyone has any suggestions on where to promote this, that would be helpful too.
  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6
    v1.0.8 now puts the tileset area into its own window with zoom ability and scrollbars. Window positions/sizes get saved when app closes.
    Also added a context menu to access editing commands (right click in edit mode). This will make it a bit less reliant on the keyboard.
    Check changelog for other changes, fixes.

    I will need to create a new video at some point.
  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6
    Here's a new video demonstrating the latest version 1.0.19
    I overlaid some keys to show which ones I am pressing while recording.
    I've added the ability to split tiles, and I've also added UV mapping in the tileset window to make editing UVs easier. I've fixed a lot of stuff and made improvements since I last posted here, so you can check the changelog for all the details.
  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6
    Linux version is now available!
  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6
    Crocotile 3D v1.1.0 is now available!
    This version adds new Paint tools. This helps with modeling objects and skinning them without leaving the program.
    There is also new documentation included that outlines everything in the program.

    I created this bunny all in Crocotile 3D:
  • MikeF
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    MikeF polycounter lvl 20
    This is so awesome, I'm not sure what i'll use it for just yet, but i'll have to figure something out!
  • Onmioji
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    Onmioji polycounter lvl 8
    Very interesting.
  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6
    Crocotile 3D v.1.2.0 now available!
    This version introduces new features that allow grouping tiles together into objects/prefabs and being able to place instances into the scene. Check the howto documentation for more details.
    Here's a video of me building some stairs/objects/editing instances, etc:
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Just tried it out. A few random thoughts:

    -If you used alt instead of spacebar for navigation it would be the exact same as Maya. Spacebar is sometimes used for panning in 2D apps (in Photoshop for instance), but you cant use it like that to pan in the existing 2D Tileset view...
    -Paint brush size doesn't update until after cursor moves instead of while [ or ] are being pressed.
    -Painting needs HSV sliders, not that many artists think in RGB.
    -Animated tile support?
  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks for the feedback PolyHertz,
    You can flip between RGB and HSL mode by clicking the rgb icon to the right of the paint tools.
    Making the brush size indicator refresh after changing size should be a simple fix.
    You can pan with spacebar while in the paint tab when tileset area is zoomed in- I'll have to look into implementing it for the tileset tab as well for consistency.
    Alt is used for a few different things, so not sure if it'd be best to change spacebar with alt for camera movement- using spacebar is more in line with 2d paint editors than with 3d editors. That being said, I should still look into allowing more customization to the controls.
    Any suggestions for how animated tiles should be implemented? I'm imagining perhaps cycling the UVs for specific tiles, like how a spritesheet would cycle through frames. That data would then need to be exportable.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Internally yea it would probably be easiest to just use a flipbook sheet, though you should definitely let people import image sequences that haven't been pre-comiled into one. Then let users choose themselves if they want to work directly on the compiled flipbook, or with a timeline slider over the frames so they can quickly scrub back and forth while working.

    Animated tiles would also need a few settings such as playback speed, time between loops (a randomizer for this would be great for 'natural' effects like swaying grass or running water), or the option to ping-pong back and forth in the sequence.

    It would be a lot of work, but would allow environments to really come alive if done well :)

    Another interesting feature you could add would be 'billboard' support (tiles that always face the camera). It was pretty commonly used for characters/monsters back in the PS1 days (Xenogears, Grandia, Breath of Fire 3/4, etc.). Optionally for more important pieces games that billboards would switch out their sprite based on direction the camera was looking from (up to 8 axis; front, back, left, right, and 4x diagonal).
  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6
    All of those suggestions are good, PolyHertz. I'll have to take some time to plan out how to best implement all of it with the current system.
    The billboard thing is something I've been planning to add. Now that there are objects/prefabs, I was thinking this could allow different types of objects with specific qualities, such as the billboard characteristic for example.
    Depending on how animation support goes, perhaps that might be a way to help/influence the ability to change the sprite based upon the camera angle.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    While I'm at it; could we have a way to set a custom internal resolution and window aspect ratio? Most retro games ran at 320x240, with some PS1 fighters going up to 512x480 (Dreamcast ran at 640x480 in NTSC mode for almost all games, with PS2 normally below that). Since this is pretty much a tool for making retro-style 3D, it would be good to be able to easily see the work as it would have appeared back then.
  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6
    I'll put it on my to do list. I was actually testing some lower resolutions recently. I'll just need to add some controls/input in the configuration window.
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    these scenes are amazing.
  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks, I hope to make more- I seem to spend more time developing the tool though, but that's a good thing.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Was just thinking about this app again, and another suggestion came to mind for pushing that retro 3D look: CRT shader support. Emulators use them all the time, and some have gotten really advanced atp:

  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6
    PolyHertz said:
    Was just thinking about this app again, and another suggestion came to mind for pushing that retro 3D look: CRT shader support. Emulators use them all the time, and some have gotten really advanced atp:

    Thanks for the suggestion. That seems doable. Seems like a 'nice to have' kind of feature. When I get more into shaders, I'll experiment with this idea.
  • DoctorClot
    I am loving this tool!

    I am currently using the shareware version from Itch.io that said - Really awesome application. Normally I worry about UVs while I model and even after they don't come out the best. That said - This application is allowing me to just focus on making awesome 3D art using sprite sheets. Going to probably make an environment or two with this tool and Import it into Unreal 4.

    Need to buy a license for this application so that I can export stuff. Not that big of a deal because it is 10 bucks :)
  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6
    thanks :) 
    there was a request that I show how to make something more organic, so I recorded a video where I attempt to create a tree. It might give some ideas on how to approach something less box shaped.

  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6
    v.1.2.1 is now available!
    Biggest change is the new keybinding system that allows more flexibility with key configuration, and should make additional features easier to implement. Also fixed some bugs and added other stuff, see below. There was also a 1.2.0b update that fixed an issue with loading scenes if you missed that.

    Added: New keybinding system. Read help file for more information and also be sure to report any bugs or issues if you find any.
    Added: Ability to rotate selection clockwise/counter-clockwise when holding Shift key and pressing Q,E.
    Added: Hold space in tileset tab now allows panning of the tileset if zoomed in.
    Added. Option to move crosshair to an object's origin point found in an object's menu when right-clicking an instance.
    Added: Rename object points except for the origin.
    Added: Subdivide tiles into columns and rows.
    Added: Pixel resolution and window size can be configured in the settings.
    Fixed: Sometimes applying a UV to an existing tile or copying the UV from a tile would accidentally draw or erase tiles if the mouse was dragged in the process.
    Fixed: Moving the origin point of a prefab object would cause issues when rotating tiles immediately afterwards.
    Added: Experimental normal map and height map image generation of prefab objects, accessed by right-clicking objects in the Scene tab.
  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6
    new version released!

    Fixed: Adjusting UVs in Active Edit mode would adjust UVs of unselected faces if their verts were selected.
    Added: Merge vertices option on export.
    Added: Save/Save As in File menu (moved other buttons into menu as well); File path is now stored so it will save to current document when saving, or open save as dialog box if you choose the Save As menu item.
    Added: Save As key binding; ctrl+shift+s
    Added: When saving, it will show brief message when save is successful. That way if you press ctrl+s to save, you will know if it has saved.
    Fixed: Saving/Loading/Exporting now remembers the current directory.
    Fixed: Exporting scene to .obj would fail if consisted of only instances of objects.
    Change: Exported scenes with many objects will include each object as a separate group in the .obj file. This is useful if you are importing the .obj into another program and need to keep everything separated.
    Added: New export option for .MTL files. This will allow you to import .obj files into other programs and have all the textures applied correctly. This will export every texture too, and the .mtl file will reference these.
  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6
    Fixed: Zooming in and out could cause the panning to move too slow or stop completely.
    Added: Ctrl+A will now select all faces in the scene if no faces or verts are selected.
    Added: Ctrl+shift+A,D to select/deselect all object instances in the scene.
    Changed: Pressing delete key will now also delete any object instances that are selected.
    Added: If a new version is available, it will notify you when you start the program.
  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6
    Latest version adds some useful stuff, and also allows saving for scenes with up to 100 tiles- This will allow new users a chance to test the program more freely!

    Also, there are new details on how to get a free key for crocotile3d by creating a tutorial: http://c3d.xyz/index.php?topic=79.0

    Change: Unregistered users can now save if the scene has 100 tiles or less (including tiles in objects). This will allow users to test the program more freely before registering.
    Added: Tile spacing texture option on export.
    Added: Power of two texture option on export.
    Added: Tile count info at bottom of scene window.
    Added: Export multiple objects (objects listed in the scene tab). To export, go to File > Export Objects.
    Fix: brush/eraser tool not drawing with single clicks is now fixed

  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6
    Change: nwjs version has been updated to improve compatibility on newer operating systems. Please report if you experience issues running the program.
    Fix: alt-tabbing would cause keys to stop triggering due to window losing focus while keys are down. This has been fixed.
    Fix: notifications for new versions of the program weren't working correctly due to caching.
    Fix: Toggling double-sided mode wouldn't work for tiles that were deconstructed from an object.
    Fix: Clicking Crosshair Arrows without dragging them after dragging once would add the drag again to the undo stack causing undo to be inaccurate.
    Fix: Tileset window not being displayed under other windows.
    Change: Tileset window shouldn't display in taskbar unless minimized.
    Added: Rotate clockwise and counter-clockwise now accessible via context menu (right-clicking 3d view while in Edit mode).
    Added: A shortcut key for toggling crosshair arrows (the X key).
  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6
    Fix: Exporting wasn't working. The updated version of nwjs that crocotile3d uses in v1.2.7 has a bug, but a workaround has been implemented now to solve the problems when exporting.
  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6

    released a new version


    • Added: New crocotile themed Viewcube for rotating/panning/zooming the scene. Click and drag the crocotile to rotate/pan/zoom. It can also be positioned by dragging the small white transparent circle. Also can hide/show it by right clicking the circle.
    • Added: New tile swapping feature. You can swap tiles by selecting tiles in the tileset window and then right-click and dragging them to the desired location. UVs of tiles in the 3d scene will get updated to the new UV locations if their UVs were inside the tile area you are repositioning.
    • Added: New UV Padding input boxes in the Tileset window. When you select from the tiles the corresponding UVs that get generated will be padded inwards by the amount set in the input boxes (x,y). This may be useful to prevent pixels bleeding across the edges of tiles.
    • Added: Tileset window now has a dropdown list for tilesets. This will allow you to pick your tilesets without having to cycle through them.
    • Added: Shortcut keys for cycling through Tilesets (ctrl+[ , ctrl+])
    • Added: Middle mouse button for toggling Active Selection mode.
    • Added: Mouselocking while rotating/panning/zooming.
    • Fix: Copying a tile's UVs to the brush (alt+rightclick in 3d scene in draw mode) would trigger a keyup for the modifier keys. This would potentially cause it to erase tiles instead of copying UVs.
    • Fix: Dragging onto tileset canvas would inadvertently select tiles.
  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6

    • Added: new Object Mode Constraint option in the settings. When editing an instance of an object, this will prevent selecting/editing of tiles that are not part of the object.
    • Changed: The Active selection key binding is now Shift+Enter. There is also a new key binding for the Object Edit mode (Enter). When you select an object instance, you can now simply press Enter to begin editing the object, or Enter to stop editing the object. You may also have to delete your keyconfig.ini file to prevent your old key bindings carrying over to the new version.
    • Fixed: It would not select tiles, vertices, objects that were positioned behind invisible objects.
    • Fixed: Deleting several hundred tiles at once would freeze the application for a while.
    • Fixed: Due to a nw.js bug, the Debug.log file would grow in size everytime the application is closed- Implemented workaround that removes file when starting app.
    • Changed: Importing prefab objects will now use the filename as their default name instead of a random number.
    • Fixed: Exporting the scene wouldn't work when using only imported prefabs in the scene.
    • Fixed: Importing a file that isn't an image for a tileset would break various tileset functionality. Files are now validated to check that they are images.
    • Fixed: Clicking off the input boxes in the sub-divide dialog would prevent refocusing the input boxes.
    • Fixed: Key bindings should now be disabled during some dialog boxes to prevent key issues.
    • Added: Eye icons for objects and layers in the Scene window. These can be clicked to hide/show objects.
    • Changed: Context menu will disable menu items for actions that are currently inaccessible. For instance, if no tiles are selected then the Faces menu item will be disabled.
    • Fixed: Centering camera now includes selected objects/instances.
    • Added: Objects now become highlighted in Scene tab when an Instance is being edited.
  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6
    Crocotile 3D has now reached version 1.3.5
    Beginning today Crocotile 3D will be available on Steam!
    There is also a Discord server: https://discord.gg/fmtJdUb

    There have been various improvements and additions to the software. You can view the changelog for specific details.
    Development continues, and more is planned. Have fun!

  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6
    Hey, I would like to inform everyone that Crocotile 3D is now on version 1.4.3!
    There has been a lot of work done to the editor. In the latest version .gltf and .glb export options have been added, which will make it easier to import your scenes and models into other programs.
    There is also a Mirroring option. So you can model one side and have the other side generated while you work.
    Check out the changelog for a list of all the improvements!

    And also check out the website to download a demo version if you want to try out the program. You can find a gallery there with a bunch of screenshots from users who have made things with the program!
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    I grabbed this a while ago and while I've done nothing constructive with it I did want to say it's been great fun to dick around with and was well worth every penny. 

    Thumbs up and all that :) 

  • Prominent
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    Prominent polycounter lvl 6

    🐊Hey everyone, it has been almost two years since I last gave an update on Crocotile 3D! A lot has happened in that timeframe, with many updates to the program that has improved things and added new features. I thought I would come and give an update for those who would be interested.

    The latest addition adds Animated Tiles / UVs. This feature helps add a lot of life to the scenes you create. Here is an example of something I created in crocotile:

    That gif was rendered in Crocotile- as you can see, there has also been some basic animation features implemented and the ability to generate short movie clips.

    I took this scene and also imported it into the Godot engine. You can export the animated UVs and program it to work in other engines like Godot if you want. Here is a video link demonstrating it in Godot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TozJ2k0-xmc There is an example project you can download for Godot too.

    Check out more information at http://www.crocotile3d.com 🐊💗

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