Hi Polycounters
Okay so I've just had my first stab at texturing in DDo & want to see about doing some nice renders in Marmoset (another tool I've not used before).
My question is, Why is their such a large difference between my 3Do preview render & my Marmoset Render, even though in DDo, I told it to calibrate the textures for use with Marmoset. Any pointers would be appreciated.

Other things you can try:
1. check to see if Toolbag is treating your textures as sRGB in the texture options.
2. use the Toolbag2 app link to preview your progress throughout the texturing process, that way you'll never need to switch and compensate for differences. What you see is what you get.
Hard to tell from the skybox previews in 3do, but I think they are the same as some of the presets in Marmoset. Thought I think in future I'll forgo 3do & just preview directly in marmoset via App link. I did notice my eported diffuse looking looking a lot paler & ended up darkening everything a pit. I'll try some of the other calibration profiles in future.
1) 3do isn't using the same ggx or same blinn/phong as marmoset does (marmoset's seems more accurate )
2) You can't rely on the auto-calibration export profile for marmoset exports. It brightens your albedo and provides the wrong curve on the gloss map.
Even if you use marmoset you still will typically need to tweak your gloss map and spec map so that it fits within marmoset's values and most pbr engine's values (quixel's default values have some weird clamping even when you disable calibration ). In general, this means your gloss map will need to be a bit brighter and spec color a little darker from the testing I've done.
Links to skyboxes(hdri maps) used in both programs in this thread: