USE AT YOUR RISK; do not use abusively. May 2015a.d. Ye and me are perhaps attending to the contest at similar times. We only have a month perhaps, working speculatively for no assured money, and only a chance, and why. Why do our best for $5,000 when somebody driving a truck is assured getting $15,000 a month? Ye has presumably experience of a previous year, trying. Me is interested in subscribing to the developings ye submits, but me has not noticed how to subscribe. eof
Final version. Will spice it up for my demo reel later.
After watching a few short movie entries I'm going to look into trying iclone when I have time.
It was fun, this is my first two character fight scene so it was something I wanted to try animating. I know there are always faster ways to animate rigs and i plan on learning how..
Here is the 1st pass blocking.
After watching a few short movie entries I'm going to look into trying iclone when I have time.
It was fun, this is my first two character fight scene so it was something I wanted to try animating. I know there are always faster ways to animate rigs and i plan on learning how..