Less shaders, less objects. This is pretty vague outside of a production setting, you shouldn't worry about it too much unless you're on the job, in which case you should be asking your engine guys or tech artists what the best practices are for your current project.
Also this article explains it pretty well. Each game engine is a little different, so like Bal says, the solution is particular to each project. But this is a good summary at least. http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/DrawCallBatching.html
There are lots of factors that can affect drawcall count. However, it has little to do with how you set your model, texture and UVs up, but more with the in-engine setup.
Each map you plug in your shader is a drawcall usually and so is every sub material you have, as mentioned. Casting a shadow is also another drawcall. Using more complicated shaders costs Drawcalls (esp. valid when you have i.e. node based shader editors like in UE4).
But yeah, the advice given in this thread is good.
Also this article explains it pretty well. Each game engine is a little different, so like Bal says, the solution is particular to each project. But this is a good summary at least.
Some more info here
UVs don't affect draw calls. But multiple materials per mesh do.
Each map you plug in your shader is a drawcall usually and so is every sub material you have, as mentioned. Casting a shadow is also another drawcall. Using more complicated shaders costs Drawcalls (esp. valid when you have i.e. node based shader editors like in UE4).
But yeah, the advice given in this thread is good.