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Need help for anatomy head

polycounter lvl 4
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Farina polycounter lvl 4
Hello guys,

Im sitting here now 10 hours and i changed so much.

Could you give me critique on this head? Why she doesnt look female?

Could somebody paint lines on the pictures, whats wrong?


  • Stranger
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    Stranger polycounter lvl 5
    i think its mostly the structure of the skull.

  • pangarang
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    pangarang polycounter lvl 11
    It's because you haven't yet blocked out the face shapes before going into a higher subdivision. The head is currently appearing as round mass of vague shapes. Try taking it into a lower subdivision level and block out the following areas:

    - where the forehead meets the temple
    - brow ridge
    - cheek bone
    - chin shape
    - jawline
    - nose bridge

    Establishing these shapes will determine how shadows are cast, and how light bounces off your head, which will ultimately lead to a more accurate head. See example:

  • Mr.Moose
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    Mr.Moose polycounter lvl 7
    What panarang said hits it on the head, to add on to that really try to understand what's going on with the muscles and skeleton of the head. Understanding will make it much easier to process. There a a plethora of places to get this info, Anatomy4sculptors being highly recommended
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