Not a long time user yet but I'm kinda done with this package. Paid for 2 licenses for school but it never does what I want. Very pissed off user right now.
I have a very simple mesh with no normals or AO. I just want to create some easy different materials. I define them in the ID map (manually color the shells in photoshop) but it just doesn't create my materials. Done it several times and it seem quite random what materials it's going to create. It just does whatever it wants. For some reason I also get 3 extra black materials while there is no other black in there except the background.
http://puu.sh/hKnOE/9b1fbd220f.pnghttp://puu.sh/hKnT4/0a269d188e.pnghttp://puu.sh/hKo0f/ca4fd84325.jpg Where are my other materials?!
Why is this happening??
May I ask if you are running the latest patch or the "standard" 1.8?
We have to look in to this, a big thanks for reporting this and apologies for the troubles!
I also wonder if this is related to a problem i'm having with 3DO. on different mesh, 3DO will only display the normals that i have created on a portion of the model. on the rest of the model it places a highly reflective texture instead of the standard grey matte.
i'm going to attempt a reinstall to see if that makes a difference.
Yeah i'm running 1.8. Haven't seen any patch updates in a while so I guess i'm completely up to date. Also gonna try reinstalling it. Haven't heard other school mates complain about this though. Seems a lot are either running the legacy version which seems to work way better (and also seems to have a lot more standard materials and presets compared to the suite?) or they are running v1.7 of the suite.
Do you have a solution for this? I'm also experiencing the same problem as Vipera that is having of the disappearing masks.
this time i used the transfer maps tool within Maya to create the color ID map. Ddo recgonized the UV islands just fine and created all the masks that i needed.
i hope this helps.
Gutterpunk I have to ask what kind of model you are making that required 30UV islands :O
The Color ID should always be a flattened PNG without anti-alising and ONLY solid colors, preferably on a black BG.
The issue of the materials not being created is something we´re looking in to right now, no fix at the moment.
The issue of masks turning white I believe is a separate issue, would all you who suffers from this issue try to download a sample project from here and see if the problem still persists!
If any part of the model turns chrome then there is something wrong with the mesh itself, or if you have mulitple meshgroups the inputs for that particular section have not been inputed most likely.
I had a different not long ago and you asked me to download the sample model for that too. No problems with the sample models whatsoever.
I tried creating a super basic normal map, and even adding that didn't work. There is something either completely bugged or i'm not understanding ddo. It just won't create my materials I select in the ID map. Do I have to bake in colors in my 3d package? I am just painting my ID colors in photoshop by selecting and then filling the area. DDO recognizes this just fine. It just doesn't create the materials I define. Now not even with a normal map assigned.
I am currently trying to use the same method as you by adding the materials manually and then assigning the mask according to the ID. although it's weird because I can never find the same number of materials found when creating the links in the ID map compared to the material browser. there are less materials in there. Also this gives me the problem as described in an earlier post where the masks will become completely white when reloading the project later.
Hope you will come with an update soon because this program is unusable for me now.
The reason why you find less materials in the browser is because not all of them have been added, the materials from the list in the ID selector represent a PBR value if the material has not yet been created.
The issue of the mask turning white has been fixed with the stability patch that you can find here
It seems to happen when ddo is Preparing Masks Stage.
Anyone got any suggestions?
Sorry if I was unclear. It is the same problem.
What I meant was that originally I ran into the the problem when not loading any normal maps and with more than one material. Now it seems the problem also occurs when I load normal maps and more than one material.
But this is the basic functionality of the program, I find it unbelievable that I discovered this bug with so many users that's why I was wondering I was maybe doing something wrong. Adding materials manually works. Good to know this mask bug is fixed now.
PixelApocalypse - Oh yeah sorry, misunderstood, there definitely seem to be some sort of bug. Good thing manually adding materials works at least. To be perfectly honest, the whole color ID/adding materials in basecreator system is undergoing big changes for the next release, so I doubt I will be able to get anyone from the devteam to do a patch for it. Really sorry if this is causing big troubles for you
Hey Eric I haven't posted in the thread yet but I will be now. I am having the same problem where I have about 20 materials I identify, and when I go to create the project, some of the materials are missing. Is there any update on when the issue might be fixed?
edit: My Color ID is a PNG also, yet when I link my materials through it, every one of them is undefined. I used the FBX Color Swatches and followed the tutorial from Victor on Youtube, yet I have to manually assign them every time. And finally do you know when this update is coming out? I really want to delve into DDO but with this problem I am stuck.