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Do you use NVil (aka VoidWorld)

I'm curious as to how wide spread NVil is used amongst this community. It had it's thread going strong for a few years but seems to have died a bit recently.

I merely ask this because I still use it on every single asset I made on Fable Legends as it is the most fluid and usefully customisable poly modelling app I've ever used.

Istonia (Kun) is an absolute beast programmer and one of the most diligent workers, I think he must have implemented almost all suggestions (or at least gave them serious consideration) and fixed every bug report posted on this forum.

I wonder if maybe we could collect any media together that has been created with the help of NVil with the aim that it could provide Istonia with some much needed exposure.

NVil is a fantastic, dare I say it 'The Best', poly modeller out there that no one has heard of.


  • Dataday
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    Dataday polycounter lvl 8
    Probably should remove "it looks like is from the 90s". I'm sure some of us know how good it is or can appreciate its progress but still have set applications that it just doesnt make sense yet to move away from, the looks are probably not the main reason it wouldnt be quickly adopted.

    I really hope it gets more popular though, but for me personally it will take a lot to get me to stop using Modo at this point (which is a very good modeler, UV editor..ect).

    That said the UI for Nvil (plus the name) could probably use a bit of loving and a tad more marketing, even getting it on steam would be a good start.
  • ghib
    :) It was just a half joke on my part (I'm pretty facetious)
    The reason being that a number of people have always commented on how clunky/old the UI looks and like it or not a LOT of people are put off but aesthetics.

    I don't expect the results of this poll to be very extensive as threads get buried here pretty quickly. (Speaking of which, I wonder what the decision making is for creating sub-forums for specific apps)

    I personally stopped using Modo as I just couldn't get into the (work)flow with it. The latest versions do look powerful though.

    You're right about the name too, it seems to have broken the mould for naming conventions in 3d modellers. Modo, Silo, Mappo. He should just slap an 'O' on the end and be done with it; Novo.
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