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Can UV parts be rotated and placed to my liking?

polycounter lvl 5
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Aasmund1986 polycounter lvl 5
Can I rotate and place the UV parts to my liking in the UV editor?
Or does it have to be exactly as the original layout result? Heres the model I created and the UV set:



  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    You can do whatever you want with the UVs. avoid scaling up or down pieces too much, unless you want uneven texel density in places.
  • Aasmund1986
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    Aasmund1986 polycounter lvl 5
    Thats great, thanks for the reply :)
  • Bartalon
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    Bartalon polycounter lvl 12
    You may want to apply a checker pattern to your material so you can visually see any resolution differences (UV shells too big or small compared to the others) or distortion caused by UV shells not unfolded as flat as they could be.
  • Zezeri
    As Bartalon said, it's good practice to have an even texel density throughout your asset. Except for bordercases, like very far away assets, that won't ever be near to the camera. Or the other extreme, for a weapon or FP-hands that are always close to the camera, you might want to have a higher texel density.

    To see if your Texel Denisty is good, you can either use a Checker Texture or more precisely, use Tools that measure it (such as TexTools for Max).

    Apart from that, you can scale, rotate and move them arround as you like.
    However, I would advise you to not have too crazily rotated UV Shells, for example one of the rectangular UV island in your picture is slightly rotated, If you made sure it's perfectly straight instead, you would get less aliasing.

    Looking at your UV Layout, it seems like there's some very minor distortion, a checker texture will help you visualise it better. Some more padding for some UV Islands might also help. Otherwise you might geht problems during your bakes.
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