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Nuclear Angels Anatomy Thread

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Nuclear Angel polycounter

Hi there polycount! I would like feedback on pretty much anything, proportions, anatomy and even the presentation. If anyone have anything that they do want to show is wrong, go ahead and make a paint-over! ^^ Otherwise, if you guys are writing the feedback, I would love if you used the Latin names for the muscles and so forth, as it would be a super good practice to have to check up every name.

But so, on to the picture.


On a side note, as I do have school during the ordinary weekdays, I will work with the feedback and implement it during the weekends. Hopefully I will make this in to a real-time character, but for now it is just a practice sculpt.

Thank you for taking your time to help me out or just checking in to this thread.


  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    So I have worked more on this practice sculpt, I have still not touched his feet, so that is coming next!

  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    I see you have been inspired by the Johnny Rampage tutorial.
    You have nice islands of detail, I think you are missing the big lines at the mnoment. Things like volumes and planes are missing. Although you can use any technique to improve the dynamesh one is tricky because you cant go up and down in resolution easily. The model looks pretty good in general, some stuff that might help:

    The stance while balanced makes the figure look infirmed. Maybe in special characters you will need this but for anatomy practice it is best to try and get as much force out of the figure as possible. Limb attitudes can be very helpful and they have character just like faces. Look up zack petroc's zbrush anatomy figure and average man to see what I mean.

    Most people concentrate their efforts in the areas they know best which is always the torso and often the front of the head. Try and develope an overall approach to making a figure. Your leg volumes are weak at the moment and club feet show you are not certain about those areas. When practicing usually include the hard stuff as well, for concepting like eof3d you can leave some stuff as expressions, but he is already a master :)

    Dont give the face an expression, practice going for a neutral look first. Dont do old people at first because you can hide in the wrinkles, attractive models are way harder (my opinion only). Dont get tied up on one figure, its better to do a bunch of quicker studies than one wonky sculpt that will never be finished. Keep an eye on the big stuff,, the big volumes and the big gestures and try to make every study powerful. The devil is not in the details, he is in the big lines!

    Keep it up, looks like you are having fun and it shows through in your work. Anatomny is the best and most interesting aspect of what we do. When I come back I want to see 100 pieces! Just kidding :)

  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    @kanga Thank you very much for the write up! Thanks for mentioning the volumes and planes, I had not thought about that at all! I will try to think about a lot more now ^^. I also changed the Stance and checked up the artists you mentioned, I think it was of a big help, so thank you!

    And I will so try to find this devil you are speaking about, he seems quite interesting! ^^

    Update for tonight. I used a lot of the feedback from kanga, worth mentioning, I noticed my upper arms are to short, and also my thighs are a bit on the short side. I also need to check up the anatomy of the Elbows and the knees, as I have not given either of those areas any attention (poor things).

    But here it is, tonights picture.

  • nastobi123
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    nastobi123 polycounter lvl 8
    looks like someone skip leg day. Anyways, the upper body looks good to me.
    idk bout the lower part tho, hip to heel part. the thigh looks short and thin. The upper arm looks short too.



    7 1/2 heads.

    Keep it up, its looking great !
  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    @nastobi123 Thank you so much for your feedback, I have been blind to the proportions, and the way you did to check the height was superb! I appreciate your time ^^

    I started of by "fixing" the proportions (I do not know if they are good enough yet), but I am feeling more confident in my sculpt now at least, so I took up the resolution a bit and started working more on the anatomy, and I can feel that this is very rewarding. So on we go, here is todays crunch at Zbrush.


    Feedback is as always greatly appreciated.
  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    I worked a bit more on his arms and legs. And I am considering giving him some more mass to his thighs as well. But soon I will merge all the subtools and try get some details in there. And after that I will work on a female variant.

    Feedback is greatly appreciated if any of you see something awfully wrong at the moment with the sculpt.

  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    So here we go, after a week of school and stuff I found some time to chip away at this sculpt. I am considering moving on to a female version pretty soon. But I want to get it as close to perfect as possible though, so if any of you people find something wrong with it. Point it out and I will work on it!

    Thanks in advance.

  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    So I have worked on my sculpt a lot more today, and I am feeling quite content with the result. If no one on this lovely forum got anything that is wrong with the sculpt, I will start on a female version next weekend.

    So if you got any critique, hit me with it, and have a great day!

    Picture ahead.

  • DavidCruz
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    DavidCruz interpolator
    1 shot from the side not in Perspective view would help me figure if the side profile is very thin, otherwise it looks good. If you want to notice what I did look at the rib cage in side image.

    Much better for sure then the 1st post image, nice progress.
  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    @DavidCruz, here is a ortho shot from the side.


    Thanks, the fun thing is, according to me, that I look differently at the human body and form after this piece, it will be fun to work on a female version soon.
  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    So here is another update. Summer vacation finally started, so now I got time to start a female version.

  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    So before I start a female version I have started a new body with more stylized proportions.


    It is based on my own concept, I might do the full character.

  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    I have been off this summer working on the character above, but finally found some energy to work on more anatomy stuff.

  • Abrvpt
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    Abrvpt polycounter lvl 4
    Good progress =) Careful on the last one, the mouth is Really too sharp on the edges and there's no corner of the mouth...
  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    @Abrvpt Thanks for the pointers, I will keep it in mind for my next head practice! =)
  • ooyoo
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    ooyoo polycounter lvl 4
    hey man keep up the good work =D can def see you improving

    might be a little late but on your realistic body, the biggest thing that stuck out to me was the hands seem a bit too small, the top of the head seems to be too elongated, and that the leg seems to be a bit bumpy so possibly go down a few sub-ds and smooth it out a bit

    anatomy aside i would try to make sure that your level of detail on each part is the same cuz i really like the work you put on the face and torso but the arms in particular are a bit lacking

    for the recent head sculpt, the eyes are much too far apart, the distance between the eyes should roughly be another eyes width and also the iris is HUGE so i would tone that down a bit, kinda looks like hes on something REALLY strong XD

    but yea keep up the good work =D cant wait to see your progress
  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    @ooyoo thank you so much for your feedback man. I will work on all of it for my next full body and head sculpts! I didnt for example even think about the eyes at the time of sculpting, but this time I thought about it a great deal!

    I made this piece for a school assignment, but it is not done, so WIP. But I made it on top of a skull sculpt, and that was the assignment,but I made the jaws HUGE, so I made him stylized to make it work, like a guard from dishonored.

  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    One picture with the polypainted version, one without


  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    So we got an assignment for school to do an anatomy study, and then make a lowpoly out of it and then texture it and such. It is until the next wednesday.

    Here are todays progress, feedback more than welcome, also it is very wip

  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    More progress on the female anatomy study.

  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    I did some more work on my female anatomy study today, give feedback if anything seems off. Thanks in advance!

  • blackdragonstory
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    blackdragonstory polycounter lvl 9
    hi,I have a question.
    When is one ready to do anatomy practices/studies?

    I have no art school or anything like that,but I can see how powerfull sculpting is and would like to give it a shot.
    But most of my sculpts arent that good.

    Also,how does one practice/studies trough sculpting?
    Do you just look at a picture and try over and over untill you get the best results?

    Also,what about pose of the model?
    When practicing/studying do you do a T/A pose or do you just place the model in a pose you want it to be roughly in the end?

    Does it ever get boring?
  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    @blackdragonstory, you ask a good question, but I am not the one who have the answer for that. You have to feel for your self for when the best time to start sitting in zbrush is. It is good to sit in zbrush, in my opinion if you got a good grasp on anatomy already. But if you are not so familiar with anatomy, then it will turn out more as a practice of the software and not an anatomy study.

    So what I would say that you should do, is to do a lot of figure drawings. I have more than thousand of papers lying around of live figure drawing classes. Nut also practice in zbrush, If you are not familiar with the software, dont do studies, just do something that you find to be fun and practice zbrush, as it is a tool.

    And how you practice through sculpting is the same way as how you practice drawing. You do it ALOT. And pose, hmm, I have not thought about it.

    And it never ever gets boring! ^^ That is the best part. And if I am going to give you any tips, if you enjoy Zbrush, just practice by doing a lot of sculpts. And let time do its thing.

    I do hope my answer was sort of okay, it is from my personal opinion only. But thanks for asking. And have fun zbrushing!

    Here is my female body study for a school assignment. The presentation is lackluster, but I prioritized the model, and it is not a portfolio piece in no way. Feedback welcome as always.


  • blackdragonstory
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    blackdragonstory polycounter lvl 9
    @blackdragonstory, you ask a good question, but I am not the one who have the answer for that. You have to feel for your self for when the best time to start sitting in zbrush is. It is good to sit in zbrush, in my opinion if you got a good grasp on anatomy already. But if you are not so familiar with anatomy, then it will turn out more as a practice of the software and not an anatomy study.

    So what I would say that you should do, is to do a lot of figure drawings. I have more than thousand of papers lying around of live figure drawing classes. Nut also practice in zbrush, If you are not familiar with the software, dont do studies, just do something that you find to be fun and practice zbrush, as it is a tool.

    And how you practice through sculpting is the same way as how you practice drawing. You do it ALOT. And pose, hmm, I have not thought about it.

    And it never ever gets boring! ^^ That is the best part. And if I am going to give you any tips, if you enjoy Zbrush, just practice by doing a lot of sculpts. And let time do its thing.

    I do hope my answer was sort of okay, it is from my personal opinion only. But thanks for asking. And have fun zbrushing!

    Here is my female body study for a school assignment. The presentation is lackluster, but I prioritized the model, and it is not a portfolio piece in no way. Feedback welcome as always.



    Tnx for the answer :)
    You are so far ahead of me in sculpting that I thought you were a professional artist ^^

    I am not that good at drawing,but I do draw here and there random stuff.
    I hate it that I am so interested in character modeling,sculpting yet it's the hardest part for me.
    I can actually model characters in 3ds max but nothing spectacular.(mostly anime and cartoon)

    I just started messing with zbrush with the goal of learning how to use zbrush.
    I can see learning anatomy is inevitable,but cant find the right approach for me.
    Drawing challenges me cuz it's 2D depicting 3D.

    Anyways...I will try to learn the zbrush better and then hopefully have a good way for me to learn the anatomy.
    I recently stumbled on people using hangout so I will watch those as well :)

    Once again thanks and keep up with sculpting :)
  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter

    No problem ^^ I am happy to help. And as you say, just keep going at it. I´d reckon with a lot of practice you will be amazing! But let it take time, and don't be frustrated if progress isn't coming in a day, it takes time, years. Good luck!

    Yesterday i started on a portrait, feedback is very appreciated.

  • jacob thomas
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    jacob thomas polycounter lvl 11
    That stylized head bust is really nice man. Great progress.
    This female head feels nice to me, maybe a little thick where the malar fat connects to the nose.
    Looking forward to seeing more.
  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    Thank you @JSTYLE3D, glad that you like it! =) And regarding the nose, I think I corrected what you were pointing out, but if it still feels a bit fat please tell me. Also interesting that groups of fat have names, I did not know that. Thank you for the feedback. 

    Current WIP:

  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    I have made more progress on the face. 

  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Nice improvement here!  I especially like that stylized head sculpt (the non-painted version).  The painted version probably needs some more love with the textures and render, but I realize these are all for practice.  Anyway, good job sticking with this!
  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    @BradMyers82  Thank you! I am trying to do more realistic sculpting of humans though, except for that head as it was an assignment (glad you like it). But damn, creating real-life looking sculpts is hard, any thought on the latest head sculpt? 
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    yea, I know what you mean about the difficulty!  I'd recommend getting very good reference first and trying to make that likeness.  This will teach you all the subtle things you need to nail down in order for a sculpt to look realistic.  In the latest sculpt the eyes look a little small, and the neck anatomy looks incorrect, but nothing really sticks out to me as very wrong or anything.  It would be easier to assess if you shared your ref though. :)  Besides that, the sculpt looks too soft.  I was assuming this was because its a wip, but id hit a bunch of areas with dam standard to really define things more.  Edges of the lips, eyes, maybe a fold under the eye, the ears, that scar, eyebrows, hair line, and hair in general.  I think the neck looks a tad thick from the side, the jaw and ears could possibly be pulled back slightly and its hard to say, but the corners of the mouth might not be quite right.  Anyway, its super subtle stuff at this point, so one thing that has helped me in the past is to do renders in another program (like keyshot) to get a nice feel for the volumes (zbrush matcaps hide stuff and deceive you), then go to photoshop with your render and do some paintovers to find areas you could improve.  If you just keep doing that over and over again it will get better on every pass.  Don't forget to work in layers in zbrush so you can work non-destructively and be sure you are making changes in the right direction all the time.  Good luck man looking forward to seeing more!
  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    This feedback was way more than I ever could hope for, thank you so much! 
    Regarding my references, I do not have a solid portrait that I am trying to make her look like, maybe that is not so smart? To not have  a set reference? But what I looked at most was 
    this piece, http://www.paultosca.com/tt1/tt1_10.jpg made by Paul Tosca, as i find it to be both amazing and inspiring. I also failed to mention that this piece was made for a school assignment, so I had 5 days to do the Highpoly and now I am "done" with the lowpoly and textured it (as the deadline was for a few hours ago). I am going to make a thread for this piece as I would really like to go back to it and maybe use it as a jump-off point for a female samurai portfolio piece. That would also allow me to focus more on the highpoly sculpting and polish that up to a more decent level, and to address some things like eye size and neck anatomy ;) .  Thank you again! 

    I am going to post on my new thread the main references that i will be using and I will also share my progress as soon I will have to work on my portfolio for internship applying.

    And this is where the lowpoly is at. 
  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter

    I moved on from the face as I would rather use Brads feedback to make my next head even better. So here it is, what I am currently working on. Feedback much appreciated.
  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    I start with two eye studies as I want to focus on certain areas before doing entire faces. later this week I am planning of doing an Asian eye and an African, and then after that some more generic ones. But until I post that give me all the critique you can, what looks off and what is poor. Thanks in advance. 

  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    So I started working on more eyes, but i did not like that I did not get a feeling for the areas surrounding the eyes, which made it hard to work on, so I made a face instead.

    I have not been working on this so much as I wanted, I never realized that working at a studio would take this much energy, but finding my energy and working on with this stuff the last two days have been great. 

  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    This weekend I did a Caucasian male bust, but this time i sat with fibermesh for an hour to get some hair in. As I feel that will help me if I play around a bit more with hair on my characters. I also played around with rendering as I want to improve my presentation skill, but also make my sculpt more readable.

    Feedback more than welcome. 

    And a shot without hair.

  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    I made another head, made it after work at home yesterday and today, around 5 hour practice. 

  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    I made another face today, getting my hours in. 

  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    So I made another practice sculpt tonight, critique more than welcome. 

    I also took some time to create a more interesting version, as that was fun. 

  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    I worked this weekend on a anatomy study that I will use to build a basemesh from. As I right now have no good basemesh. So if you guys can see areas that are incorrect in the anatomy, it would be greatly appreciated to get some feedback on it. I still need to do a polish pass and work on the feet, hands, elbows and knees. As they are quite incorrect and need more love, but the more I can get pointed out the better.

    Also keyshot is amazing! So much fun using it. 

  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    I got more work on my anatomy sculpt done, and I have started retopo it so I can get a proper basemesh. I am not happy with the knee caps and the thighs, but I need to move on and get my basemesh done so I can start my next character. But I would love any critique, so if you guys see anything, just critique like crazy. 
  • Nuclear Angel
    Offline / Send Message
    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    It have been a long time since I touched this thread, but it is time to dust it off and get going again with some more studies and practices. 

    Starting of with a bust I created today, I will aim to try to have more stuff coming out faster than once a year. 

    C&C more than welcome. 


  • AgelosAp
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    AgelosAp polycounter
    @Nuclear Angel the progress from your first sculpts is amazing, obviously!
    On the latest bust I'd say it's looking pretty good, I'd go with more visible bone landmarks for the face, and rotate the ears outwards as they are too stuck to the skull now.
    Also bottom lip crease should dissipate on the sides and nostrils could be rounder (they go up and look a little square).
    What age are you aiming for with her?
  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    @AgelosAp Hey man thanks for the kind words! =D 

    I am thinking she is around the 26-30 year range, so more mature than a young adult. 
    I will for the next one try to pronounce the bony landmarks a bit more! Are there any special ones you are thinking about or is it in general that I need to pronounce all the bones a tad more?
    And a good call on the ears, I will definitely not do that again unless I find some crazy refs. 
    And I find the nostril and lips shapes to be a bit challenging and I probably do not spend enough time there, I should focus on that for my next sculpt to up my game there. 

    Thanks for the crits man! 
  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    I did a posed anatomy sculpt today, it was a great exercise and I might do more of these. Critique would be appreciated and thanks for watching. 

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