I want to make free roaming car game. So which game engine requires less coding ? I am learning Environment art and vehicle modeling. So I can create vehicles, environment and other props but I don't know much about coding.
I have tried Unity and Unreal engine 4. Is unreal engine 4's vehicle template with blueprint enough for making car game?
My main goal is to learn high-poly and low-poly modeling (environment, vehicle and props).
And one more question-
According to what i know is we have to first block out level in game engine through BSP brush(UE4) ,then modeling static mesh in 3D software(maya/3ds) and export it in UE4. (correct me if i'm wrong). So Can i just model(and block out) whole level in MAYA and then export it all in UE4? Can i skip 1st step of blocking out in UE4 as i'm more comfortable in MAYA for blocking out?
Thank you...
I'm not confident enough with the engine to be able to answer your other Blueprint-related questions, however I would always recommend Unreal 4 as a solid, modern and powerful game engine.
so, i was making some models in MAYA, but i have some questions.
1) Should I apply materials and textures in MAYA and then export it to UE4 or should I apply all material in UE4 ?
2) I modeled some buildings in maya , so should I export all model in single fbx file or should i export each building (and props) in different files ( like building A in 1 fbx, B in 2nd fbx file and so on) ?
1) You can do either, but if you apply them in Maya it will likely be easier to see if everything looks generally good, and when you import the UE4 the materials can be setup in a basic sense as long as you check "import materials" on import, and it's especially important if you intend to have multiple materials on a single model.
2) You could both, as long as everything is properly named and every model's origin is at 0,0,0 in Maya... either way works, the advantage of break them into separate FBX files is that it'll make things simpler if you need to reimport the meshes with some changes.
I'll check it. But is it better than UE4's car blueprint ? And can I make most of the things (AI and some other car physics related things) without writing more codes? For non-developers, UE4's blueprint system looks easier, so little bit of code related changes can be easier in UE4.
And I have no idea about using AI (like for racing game, how other cars go and their way and speed etc ) so do i have to make all of that with codes ? will unity's AI car example would be easier ?
It looks like UE4 has one too, but I couldn't find it in the Marketplace.
Playmaker for Unity looks good and easier than coding in it. Thanks!
If you want to touch code at some point, then Unity C# is far easier to grasp for most people than C++. If your goal is to be an artist though, then I'd imagine you probably would just want the best looking prototype, in which case Unreal 4 will allow you to get to that goal faster.
Both engines have vehicle content examples for cars that provide all of the code needed for the project, although UE4 also has a blueprint template you can build off of.
yes I just want to make simple playable game and learn more about modeling props/environment.