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MODO Indie SP4 is now live

Hello modonauts,

How about this for MODOvation!

We are pleased to announce that MODO indie has now been updated to Service Pack 4 (SP4). MODO indie 801 SP4 contains approximately 30 bug fixes and improvements, improving stability and correctness.


File I/O: (Mac) Fixes 801 SP3 regression where folders named with a period wouldn't open.

FBX: Fixes bug when exporting FBX normals and colors for multiple grouped items.

Bezier Extrude tool: Fixes bug where the gang edit options were missing from the Bezier Path section.

Stability: Prevents random threading crashers, potentially fixing many common crashes in image loading in threads.

Bezier tool: Fixes potential crash when enabling 'Make UVs' in the options after deleting a point from an active curve.

FBX I/O: Fixes an issue in layer export which sometimes caused modo to not properly export surface normals.

File I/O: (Windows) Fixes an issue with the characters saved in the Katakana type.
Weight Maps: Fixed potential crash applying edge weight to meshes created using the Text tool, when in Vertex Map display mode.

Help files: (Mac) Fixes issue where the inline help index on the left-side pop-out bar did not work.

Usability: Adds new Open Preferences Folder option to the System menu, which will open your system file browser to the location where MODO's main configuration file is stored.

GL: Fixes Vertex color drawing for background items.

Stability: Fixes potential crash when vertices are selected and dropped when the Info panel is maximized.

Presets: Fixed potential crash loading preset assets with missing images with the Clips list open.
GL/UI: Fixes bug where editing Colors in the default scheme would incorrectly affect the background color.

EXR I/O: Prevents a potential crash navigating in Preview with mip-mapped and tiled EXR images used as textures.

Wrap Deformer: Fixes a potential crash when attempting to move an edge directly.

GL: Adjusts GL Gooch display mode to more closely match the user-preferred MODO 601 look.

Stability: Fixes potential crash in Preview (Automated crash reporting)

Stability: (Windows) Fixes potential crash of the Windows Desktop manager when viewing long UI lists.

Rendering: Fixes a memory leak, which was particularly bad in scenes with many textures and/or image sequences.

Assemblies: Removes 275 character limit from entries added to the Command field of the item Assembly tab.

Stability: Fixes a potential crash when manipulating a camera through a camera view after having done so with a transform tool in a non-camera view, without first dropping the tool.

Fur: Fixes bug where Baking the Geometry Cache for fur did not respect all fur properties, such as clumping.

Preview/Replicators: Fixes bug where modifying properties of a hidden prototype mesh would cause the mesh to render in Preview.

Export Selected Layers: Fixes bug where smoothing information would not be saved for all layers when exporting to separate files.

GL Snapshot: Adds a command for taking single-frame GL snapshots (gl.snapshot).

UVs: Fixes a potential crash copying and pasting geometry between scenes with UVs visible in the UV Edit viewport.

Particles: Fixes a potential crash duplicating a particle system hierarchy.

IES Lights: Fixes memory leak with IES images caused by redraws of the lights in GL.

SDK: Adds the Rendercache API (beta implementation), allowing SDK developers to access the same rendering data as the internal MODO renderer, exposing the geometry cache and shading information.

PS: Just in case, a SP3 branch has been created so that users can revert back to it. This branch is visible to everyone and doesn't require a password.

Brandon R. Reddick
MODO/MARI Indie Advocate
The Foundry

Try not. Do or do not, there is no try.
~Master Yoda


  • dmj
    Offline / Send Message
    Quick question, it looks like 901 is coming out later this month, so will MODO Indie be updated to include the new features?
  • BladeEvolence
    Offline / Send Message
    Hi dmj,

    Edit to original post:
    We're still in the process of figuring out the details for future releases, but will let you know when we have an update. 8)

    Brandon R. Reddick
    MODO/MARI Indie Advocate
    The Foundry

    Try not. Do or do not, there is no try.
    ~Master Yoda
  • frmdbl
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    frmdbl polycounter

    Will meshfusion be in Modo Indie 901?
  • BladeEvolence
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    frmdbl wrote: »

    Will meshfusion be in Modo Indie 901?

    There are many discussions over the Indie products at this time and I am looking into all of your questions and will hopefully have answers for you in the not too distant future. ;)

    Please keep in mind the community is still very important to us and a priority.

    Greg Brown (Poly_Pusher- MODO & MARI Creative Specialist) and myself were the community support for the MODO Steam Edition, though in a less than official capacity since we had many other job responsibilities.

    We are here more in force these days and my role was even changed full time to being the MODO/MARI Indie Advocate for the community if that tells you anything.

    We are usually in the MODO Indie chat room if you ever have questions or want to have a discussion about anything CG/Game related.

    We also have game events every Wednesday and Friday at 12pm PDT so come and join us!
  • curubor
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    curubor polycounter lvl 4
    Hi everyone, I am a character artist and I have been interning at the Foundry for 6 weeks and using MODO indie 801 sp3 & sp4. I haven't used it before so it was all new to me but I have used Maya and Max a lot.

    After a couple of weeks of using Modo indie, I tried out Modo 801. And I can honestly say that indie is almost as powerful as 801 in my experience. I did have some issues but Brandon, Greg and James Darknell have been very helpful to me and I experience on a daily basis that they do what they can to help you guys too.

    I created high resolution hard surface and game assets along with organic sculpts all in Modo indie. I usually use ZBrush for sculpting but Modo indie's sculpting tools gave me pretty much what I wanted. So again, it is a very powerful program considering that it contains the whole pipeline.

    As a side note, these guys are simply great to work with. You can't really get to know them through here so I would highly recommend checking out the Wednesday and Friday gaming sessions.(just another excuse to play games at work:)).
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    Modo Indie is a great way to just learn Modo. I'm not using it for any projects, but as the subscription is so affordable, I just have it there for whenever I want to get to know it better :)
  • MisterSande
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    MisterSande polycounter lvl 8
    curubor wrote: »
    Hi everyone, I am a character artist and I have been interning at the Foundry for 6 weeks and using MODO indie 801 sp3 & sp4. I haven't used it before so it was all new to me but I have used Maya and Max a lot.

    After a couple of weeks of using Modo indie, I tried out Modo 801. And I can honestly say that indie is almost as powerful as 801 in my experience. I did have some issues but Brandon, Greg and James Darknell have been very helpful to me and I experience on a daily basis that they do what they can to help you guys too.

    I created high resolution hard surface and game assets along with organic sculpts all in Modo indie. I usually use ZBrush for sculpting but Modo indie's sculpting tools gave me pretty much what I wanted. So again, it is a very powerful program considering that it contains the whole pipeline.

    As a side note, these guys are simply great to work with. You can't really get to know them through here so I would highly recommend checking out the Wednesday and Friday gaming sessions.(just another excuse to play games at work:)).
    Would it be possible to share some of your work ? I am currently learning MODO for similar purposes and could use some inspiration.

    I am definitely interested in the Indie Package but without the inclusion of MeshFusion there wouldn't be incentive enough for me to move from 3DSMax to MODO.
  • curubor
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    curubor polycounter lvl 4
    MisterSande sure..HEre are some of the models I did:

    This is the first model I did in Modo indie. I made it to get familiar with the interface and learn the basic tools. I know it doesn't look much but I learned the basics with it.

    I had some spare time so I played around with the sculpting tools of Modo indie and made this guy. Didn't have a tablet so I had to use my mouse but still it was fun.

    And I also tried the UVing and baking features of Modo for the first time with this one. Again these are all kind of tests I did to learn the program.(The sword concept is by Max Davenport https://maxdavenport.wordpress.com/)

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