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Maya 2016 and ShaderFX issues

polycounter lvl 11
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GlowingPotato polycounter lvl 11
Hey guys,

I'am having some issues regarding Maya 2016 and shaderfX, first, i can't figure it out how to set the color management to work with shaderFX, the best result i got was by disabling the color management.

Then, when i connect a normal map to the shader everything becomes white.

Any advices?


  • shaderfx
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    shaderfx polycounter lvl 9

    I'm not really sure what problem you are seeing with color management.
    In my test here it works.

    If I enable CM, the object appear brighter. If I disable it, it becomes darker.
    What is it that is not working for you?

    The white normal map thing, how are you connecting the normal map?
    Can you share the normal map?
    What graphics card, what OS, etc

  • GlowingPotato
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    GlowingPotato polycounter lvl 11
    Hey! Thanks for replying.

    So, it turns out that the problem might be the Graphics card.
    At work we use AMD R9 280 and when i plug a normal map, the object become white.

    But at home, i use an Nvidia card. And the same isn't happening. Using windows 7 at work and 8.1 at home

    And the issue with the Color management... this is what happens.

    With Maya 2015, a color texture plugged into a ShaderFX material and into a maya phong, booth looks the same.

    But in maya 2016 with color Management turned OFF, the same texture looks darker using maya phong, and the ShaderFx looks correct. And when i turn the color management ON, the phong shader looks correct and shader FX turns too bright.

    Looks like maya materials in 2016 is designed to work with color management turned ON by default, but the shaderFX get double gamma correction.
  • GlowingPotato
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    GlowingPotato polycounter lvl 11

    So, looks like the normal map issue is only with the viewport render system set to OpenGL. After i change to Dx11 the normal map works fine.
  • shaderfx
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    shaderfx polycounter lvl 9
    ok thanks for the update.

    I have asked our QA to see if they can find a graphics card like yours to try and test it.

    It seems related to the sapphire cards...
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Sorry if I'm hijacking/going off topic here.

    Is the "ConvertToLinearSpace" checkbox on the "File Texture" x^2.2? Or is there some other voodoo magic going on? Like reading the gamma space type from the file texture header or something? :)
  • GlowingPotato
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    GlowingPotato polycounter lvl 11
    @shaderfx thanks for your assistance, i really appreciate. The gpu model is Gigabyte windforce R9 280 with up to date drivers.

    @kodde That does it! Checking the box convert to linear space on the texture map node does the trick, no more double gamma corretion! Thanks kodde!
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    GlowingPotato> Glad that helped you :)

    Ignore my previous question...
    Forgot that the Texture Map node was a group as any. If you enable advanced mode and look for yourself you can see that the "ConvertToLinearSpace" = x^2.2. At least in Maya 2015 which I have at home. I've got 2016 at work.
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