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Exploring the notion

polycounter lvl 4
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hexflow polycounter lvl 4
Today I am a network engineer and have been doing it for 20+ years, I discovered the love and hobby of Art, mostly in the 3D space about 4 years ago and realized I have a passion for it.

I am toying with the notion and trying to explore what it realistically would look like if I self taught myself, with some serious discipline for about 12-18 months then tried to get a job in the industry. Not necessarily in the gaming space, but just doing 3D work or art of some kind.

I accept the salary difference and that is not a big deal, just trying to determine if getting a job would be extremely difficult with only 12-18 months of self taught experience and portfolio and what the likely pay range would be.

Again just exploring the notion of.


  • Popol
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    Popol interpolator
    To answer your question we would need to see some of your 3D work, as it depends on your current level.
  • Kevin Albers
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    Kevin Albers polycounter lvl 20
    Specific 3D art skills are not the same as general art skills (such as having a good eye for design, composition, color etc). Spending 12-18 months purely on the 'learning 3D skills' might get you to the point where you are employable somewhere, but you wouldn't be able to simultaneously become a good overall artist in that time frame, unless you already are one.

    So if your goals are realistic, you can probably make plenty of progress in that time frame. :)
  • hexflow
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    hexflow polycounter lvl 4
    Yes foundation comes first and that would be worked on in parallel, some of that I have already been exposed to and worked on but always something to learn and growth to be experienced.

    Not much of a portfolio to date since it has just been a hobby and with limited time I mostly do tutorials and then try to apply it to some personal projects.

    I have just read several posts of people stating instead of paying for art school, you can invest $1K-3K for online information and get most of what art school could potentially supply. With discipline and applying myself, develop a good solid art foundation and foundation 3D application knowledge, develop a portfolio and go from there.

    Just really trying to gauge how realistic that is. I am used to the IT world, where experience is king and maybe having a cert or two and the jobs flow like honey. I get this might be different and not afraid of work or even the large delta in pay as long as I can get my foot in the door.
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    If you already have work then you have nothing to loose. If money is not a problem then you could always work less and study more and then build and use contacts to get a position while not worrying about paying the rent. About how realistic it is to expect to find paid work when you are self schooled, depends on who you talk to. My impression is there are a lot of people who want the sort of work you are talking about and much of that work is sent out to less expensive countries. So unless you are talented, straight off the bat you are going to be nothing special. In that case it will depend on your contacts or what contacts you can create.

    There is no way you are going to get super good in 18 months though and making a day job from your hobby can also be less glamorous that you might imagine. Even so you might really enjoy the extra time working on your passion. So nothing to loose.
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