Just finished up the high poly of the UTS 15 Gen 2 (the one that actually works lol). This has been a side project for the past few months and I've been trying to go for as much accuracy as I can get from the reference. There are also a few Magpul accessories thrown in there, as well as an Eotech sight. Renders done in Keyshot. Thanks to some of the guys at work who already gave me some crit, and any more feedback is welcomed! Still debating whether or not to take it to the low and I know I'll have to soften some of my edges if I decide to go forward with that. Anyways, hope you guys like it, I'll post a few more renders once they finish.

Thanks! Rendering is done in Keyshot 5, it's so easy to setup and use that it sorta feels like cheating lol. Although with its simplicity, comes limitations, most notably (in my few hours of experience with it) the lack of control you get with the materials and adding lights. However having said that, its a fantastic program and if you haven't used it before I recommend it!
I personally would love to see a low poly baked version with a little bit of wear and tear added to the textures. But I understand if you want to move on to something else.
Do you have any wireframe renders of it? I'm working on the same weapon myself and I'm hoping I can make it as cool looking as yours.
Thanks! Are you wanting the high poly wires, the low, or both?
Also, if you're planning on doing the inner mechanics as well and need some references check out
There's links to more pages with additional photos at the bottom of the webpage.
I'll get them up after I get home from the office.
Only crit I have is the grip looks a tad too perfect to me. It would be cool if it had some very subtle wear or something that made it appear to be used (since the person would obviously be gripping there and getting dirt or whatever there all the time). Even just a hint of oil transferred off a persons skin/hands would do it for me. Very awesome work dude!
Low Poly: http://i.imgur.com/UGlr3lo.png
High Poly:
And here are the texture maps, in order from left to right, top to bottom; Albedo, Specular, Roughness, Normals
I also do a bit of updating to the grip and other plastics to include a bit more wear and oil. Thanks BradMyers82 for pointing those things out!
Thanks for the feedback and replies! I hope to have the angled foregrip and sights shown in the high poly renders finished over the weekend.
Sorry to nit pick again, but is that a smoothing error where the trigger guard meets the grip?
Anyway, great finish man.