Hey hi all, so what I am unable to understand is making texture sheets with different materials like wood, cloth and metal for example on same texture. As per learning material on PBR you are making albedo, rough/gloss and spec in a way that it relates to the surface you want like metal = white wood = black in specular slot. Cool in theory but then we have settings in shaders too in form of sliders that we can tweak so why do we have those when we are making all textures in first place.
I tweak a slider and my metal looks great but it messes up my wood for example. Hope I explained it clear enough.
This is why you should tweak your textures until they look good without touching the slider. Or alternatively you can use individual materials for the different surfaces but that would result more drawcalls and texture samples. So it works pretty much the same as earlier.
Generally, metalness content should be either 0 (black) or 1 (white) in the texture content too, except for soft fades along transition points. Values other than 0 or 1 mean the material is partially metallic, which is extremely rare. Variation for metals would be created in the albedo map.
Also by 0 metalness you mean its not metallic or matte metal?
0 metalness would mean the material is an insulator, its not made of metal. Metal with pant on top of it would be 0 metalness too, as you're defining the top layer. Painted metal with scratches that reveal the bare metal below would be 1 metal, but only at the scratches.
in the standard shader metallness and roughness are packed into the same texture:
R - Metallic
G - not used
B - not used
A - Roughness
there is no way to just declare a roughness map and use a constant value(aka slider) for the metallness in the current workflow.
So if paint is black in gloss how would you define its property O_o like matte paint or gloss paint or mettalic.
aye speaking of specularity there is one shader that says "specular setup" in Unity.