Win 8.1
Loading the diving helmet scene works perfectly so my system and card are ok, so I am missing something basic. Adding a light via the top menu makes my scene white. The light is an omni but changing the brightness only changes the scene from flat white to flat black. Nothing else is visible. Also the manual says you can change the light type to spot but I dont see the checkbox anywhere.
Which buttons am I not pressing?
Thanks in advance.
You can change the light type in the light properties where it says Type, above Cast Shadows.
The white sphere looks like an artifact unless its a feature.
Area light performance is dependent on light size, so very large lights will cause poor performance, again if you turn down the light size, that should help.
Playing with the sizes of all the controls I can find for the omni light doesnt fix anything. The model looks really bad in the viewport. The normals dont seem to be displaying properly and they are straight exports from quixels ddo. The shadows are hard and the maps are not popping at all they seem flat and lifeless and nowhere near the quality they have in the default max 2015 nitrous viewport so I am guessing there is still a problem with my card because I have tried all the map options.
I tried the previous version of toolbag long ago and it was brilliant, reading reviews calls the software intuitive but after some hours of troubleshooting I still cant get it to click. I have seen the most incredible renders from toolbag 2 so I am going to call it a case of new computer for me!
Thanks EarthQuake you help is really appreciated.
I am not able to send the model but I did discover what was up with the textures. Normal maps straight out of xnormal look great in toolbag. Textures from ddo that are 'undefined' show badly so I am sorting that out. I guess the omni will have to remain a mystery for the moment.