Hey People! Just after some feedback on my Claptrap model. He's not quite finished so just looking for ways people may feel he can be improved. Thanks in advance.
looks really spot on. You should put this in UDK and put Sobel Edge Post Process ! I'd ad more grunge in the edges in the body. How about decals like stickers and spray paints ?
If I look at the concept art I see a lot of things that can be improved. The edges of your model are sharp and the features are mostly flat and need a lot of work. The quality and character of the dirt and wear and tear are not as high and are different to the design. The wheel you have made is not the right structure. This is a great exercise to see how close you can get to the concept art. Why not try again? You picked a pretty tough challenge but it is a really good one because images like this let you see exactly what is needed.
I think your edges are too sharp on the body. You need to chamfer them a bit. Also the white stripe on his body. I guess it's meant to be worn or chipped paint. The problem is that it doesn't look naturally weathered, it kinda just looks like a photoshop brush ran into it. Also, if that paint is chipped or worn, you won't see the yellow paint under it. Paint doesn't come off one layer at a time, if it's worn you're going to see bare metal under it.
Wheres the inking? Where are the lines? Borderlands has this amazing "ink and paint" almost comic book style that i'm just not seeing.
Your metals look like metals, and your paint kind of looks like paint... but they don't look like Borderlands.
If you have the game, open it up and take a look.
Also here are a couple of threads to get you started.
Borderlands Art dump:
Borderlands fan art with mini texturing tutorial
Another Claptrap created by a ruggadly handsome and amazingly talented artist (shamless self promotion)
@kanga: Glad you like my work