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Problems with maya animation

polycounter lvl 7
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Nathan3D polycounter lvl 7
Hey so i am trying to animate a character for our graded unit game so im on a bit of a short deadline.
I am following a tutorial from Tales Of Nalstone on youtube if you know him, its really well explained but i cant seem to get one part working.

I put 3 joints down with three controllers at the pivot points, group each controller then parent them in the proper hierarchy.
I put the parent constraint from the joint to the controller.
then attach an IK handle and i get a matrix error and it goes all crazy.

I created a short video of my problem, could anyone tell me where im going wrong. Apparently it feels like a dependency loop error but im just not sure where im going wrong.

I would appreciate if you could take the time to watch the video and try to help me.



  • Nathan3D
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    Nathan3D polycounter lvl 7

    anyone got any ideas?
  • GlowingPotato
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    GlowingPotato polycounter lvl 11
    I don't really know what tutorial you are following, but if you are doing a IK rig, then you first create the IK, then you point constrain the ik handle to the controller. This, for translation.

    Then, for rotation, you orient constrain the joint to the controller. So your controller will control the translation trough the IK and rotation trough the orient constrain

    Edit: oh, and don't forget to zero you controller transforms before parenting. you don't want double transformations.
  • Nathan3D
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    Nathan3D polycounter lvl 7
    see thats what ive been doing. its when there is an fk and ik at the same time the ik doesnt work just goes crazy. would i point and orient constrain the controller to the joint for the fk as well?
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