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[Substance Painter] UV problem

polycounter lvl 3
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Stavaas polycounter lvl 3
Hey, I've recently started using Substance Painter after I bought it on a Steam sale, and loving it so far!
I decided to have fun and texture a model I made ages ago, which is a skateboard. I unwrapped it, and got it into Substance last night and painted. Today, I wanted to restart, and tweak the model a bit before doing so. I did some tweaks in Maya, unwrapped, and exported to .fbx. But now, when I get the mesh into Substance, the 2D view is completely greyed out, as if the UV is just a large square. Anyone know what's wrong? Last night it worked perfectly!




  • Jerc
    Offline / Send Message
    Jerc interpolator
    From the TextureSet list window, it looks like the board is separated in a bunch of different texture sets. Is that intentional?
    Since everything on your model seems to be on the same UV, I would recommend having one texture set (one material for the whole mesh when you export from Maya)
  • Stavaas
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    Stavaas polycounter lvl 3
    Yeah, I did have it on one material originally, but then when I painted the wheels with a rubber material, I also painted the metal parts, and vice versa. I only started using Substance today, so I don't know of a way to keep them from bleeding over to eachother.
  • Jerc
    Offline / Send Message
    Jerc interpolator
    You can mask things by UV island or polygon element to avoid bleeding.
    Create a mask on your layer, then use the Selection tool (4 on your keyboard) to paint a mask using polygon/element/uv selection.
  • Stavaas
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    Stavaas polycounter lvl 3
    Hey, thanks man! Gonna make working a lot easier :)
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