Hey Polycounters
Here's my latest 3D project. It's the first firearm I've ever modelled - an 1853 Enfield "3 Band" rifle. This was a British-made rifle and was one of the standard rifles of the Confederate army in the American Civil War.
So far, I've modelled the low-poly at 2,794 tris and began to bake it.
Here's the base low-poly with no textures applied.
All feedback is appreciated

im nota gun guy, but i think you should definetly round out the shoulder support thing, you know the end of the rifle. its pretty quadrangular right now, but those are always nicely rounded to be more confortable.
anyways good job so far.
I've done a fair bit of work on this model since my first post.
I've added the missing part of the firing mechanism and now also textured and normalled it.
Here's how it looks with the diffuse and normal applied in Maya.
Next step is getting the metallic and roughness maps done and importing it into UE4 for presentation shots
Rendered in UE4 with diffuse, specular, normal, roughness and metallic maps.
This is the first weapon I've ever modelled and I'm pretty happy with it - though I'm still pretty new to PBR texturing so it could be better.
All feedback is appreciated
Thanks for reading