Hello everyone.
I wanted to show you a small project I've been working on for several months.
The GameCube remake of the first Resident Evil is one of my favourite games and I have always loved its mansion. So I decided to pay a homage to the game.
My goal was to make a fully detailed recreation of the mansion's main hall, modeling, texturing and lighting every one of the columns, doors, lamps, candelabras, ornaments, windows, etc. I also wanted to recreate a good atmosphere so you feel the solitude, the horror and the magnificence of the hall, by animating the flames of the candles, adding fog, rain, randomly generated thunders, etc.
And I have finally been able to finish it. There are some details that could be improved, but I would never finish and I'm satisfied with the result.
Tell me what you think of it and I hope you enjoy your stay at my own version of the Spencer mansion.
Thanks for your answers and I'm glad you like it
I have some screenshots of the progress since the beginning. It would be cool to make a blog or something and post more details and screenshots. But I'll have to work on it.
For the most part, my references were all the hall backgrounds extracted from the game and the models extracted from RE Umbrella Chronicles. The models made easier know the scale and proportions of all the elements, and with the GC backgrounds I tried recreate each one of them with all the detail. I'll attach one of the screenshots of the very beginning.
I've made 129 textures in total, including normal maps and roughness maps.
Gannon, the Youtube video should play at 60 frames per second, but maybe Flash player is being annoying as always.
I've always loved the hallway, there's no enemies and it's the first area of the game, so you can wander around and take in the atmosphere, it's a great choice
One thing though, the lighting is very warm and inviting (compared to the unsettling pale hue ingame) and the marble floor is a little darker than I remember, of course it's entirely up to your artistic interpretation but I wouldn't mind strolling around the hall as you've made it look too nice haha
edit: the lighting in the remake might have been unrealistic actually, the floor is super bright despite the weak lighting conditions of the room
Yeah, I tried to make the hall darker. I wanted a creepier feeling, and its true that the original one was too bright. Since it's lit mainly by candles, I wanted to have some contrast between light and shadows so you can also see the flickering of the candles.
It's true that it's quite warm. It is actually warmer without post-processing. I tried to compensate a little bit. I added some extra blue post-processing in the dirty area in the back where Lisa moans. I wanted a cold and creepier atmosphere in that area.
Hi B.O.W. You have some impressive renders. And what a coincidence. Just yesterday I found some renders of the dinning room made by you. I liked those. But these new renders are amazing. I don't know if you can learn anything from me. I actually think that I could learn something from you. I'm not very good at making textures and organic models and it takes me a lot of time.
It's nice to see people doing Resident Evil inspired works. I love their environments and achitecture.
Candles look weird on top of doors though :P
Your work is really too good, I am using 3DSMAX to render the scene at the moment, I do not use UE4...
Amazing work. It inspires me to work on this kind of architecture.
Just one question though, don't you think you could have used a higher poly count?
Here is your suggestions for improvement.
Great job I support you
Can't believe I missed this the first time :[
Also I'd definitely add some kind of triggerable event when looking at the paintings that it suddenly turns evil or something. (granted not part of the RE game but still would be nice).
definitely looking forward to updates. Id love to see you remake the police station in RE2 :P