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A Scene For My Sword. Applying Advice from the Meetup (IMG Heavy)

polycounter lvl 4
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Trevor polycounter lvl 4
Hey there Polycount! long time no see. I want to share my latest little UE4 scene that has been on my mind since the meetup in SF. The general thoughts on my portfolio were that its nice but im missing the story elements especially with the sword in my portfolio. With this project I want to tell a story through stuff and I would really appreciate it if all you kind folks would help me critique as I go (brutal honesty is welcome). Right now the scene is still in the blockout stage with enough VFX applied for me to need a video for demonstration.
For the story elements I want to have a couple of props that get the mind to wander. The knife stabbing the paper plane to the wall is going to be a wanted poster of the unseen inhabitant of the room. The paper plane on the table near the ink and Quill will be a letter of some kind, or a hit list. I havent made up my mind on that one.
Since one would want to look at the wanted poster to obtain reason for the knife cutting it im thinking that the poster will point to other things within the room depending on the crimes accused. Here are my Ideas for the poster and the asset references within.
-Art thief (framed picture above the wanted poster, a chance to practice my digital painting, maybe subtle emissive effect to parts of said picture)
-Murder for hire (half empty red poison bottle)
-Assault on the queens guard (cause it sounds cool)
-treason (I haven't though of a reason for treason)

Other Ideas for the scene are bloodstains on the sword, wet ring stains from the cup on the table (Mainly for some subtle nice detail), and anything that signifies brutality in a cryptic manner.
When it comes to the story, am I over thinking it?

The rooms architecture is of a tudor farmhouse as seen in the refs image. The Baldric in the reference image is a work in progress as well. Im still trying to figure out the best way to model it and present it in a folded manner without too much distortion.
Here is what I have so far...




The Sword itself textured in Marmoset 2

Candle HP Sculpt

Ref Images

Link to flythrough Video showing VFX (Vimeo)
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