I was told to create more than 10 cars from scratch! and I know a bit about 3DSMax, but I have never used it for creating cars. I use it for making terrains, houses and followers and stuff like that also I am not professional in modelling.
I heard there are better software for modelling car, I need to model cars for game and not animation. But what are those software and are they really better than 3DS Max?
If you suggested any software for doing so (even 3DS Max), would you show me a recommended and fast way to make 3D cars with the software?
Thanks in advance.
Here's a MAX car modeler to get you inspired.
I googled "how to make cars in 3DS Max". I found there are several ways to do it. For example I saw a video which was about creating cars in 3DS Max with "Nurbs" technology and I saw an other one with "Polygon" technique and so on. But I don't want to waste my time at all, So I am asking you which way is the fastest and recommended way for creating cars with the software for games.
@DireWolf You mean modelling 3D cars for games with "Polygon" method is the recommended one?
I was heard "NURBS" would result better looking cars in games, is this true?
As there is no way currently to render NURBS as-it in games... Polygon is your choice!
In the end in absolutely any game engine out there, polygons are rendered.
I would say use Max IF you wanna get an expert - why, Subd in Max is not forgiving, you have to do things in a perfect way , to make it look nice and that is a good practice
So to learn Highpoly modelling I would advice Max
But if you wanna knock out cars everyday, use MODO, there SUBD is SUPER forgiving - triangles/smoothing errors
I am faster in Max but I have to work more carefully, so it balances eachother out
And that's the point, 3ds Max doesn't use Catmull-Clark, it uses NURMS
Otherwise you would be able to use edge creasing with TurboSmooth modifiers.
Simple example:
Unsubdivided mesh
Catmull-Clark (N-Gons) - Cinema 4D Default
And according to what I've read, 3DsMax uses something like Catmull-Clark,too. look at this quote from HERE . Guys I'm puzzled... MODO or MAX or something else? I am not sure which is good for creating car models for games fast by an inexperienced guy.
That was only to show two different algorithms inside the same application, even if they are Catmull-Clark based, for example XSI Catmull-Cark gives you the same result as Cinema 4D. I was trying to see in Maya, since it have Catmull-Clark and OpenSubDiv, but it crashed. Now I checked, and it has the same topology as Cinema 4D N-Gons, the only difference is that Maya and XSI keeps the border edges (open) straight, don't know why though.
In the end, use whatever you like, the best looking cars (and Hard Surface in general) I saw were made in 3ds Max, this doesn't mean that you can't make them in any other application.
I don't use Max, so I can't try with it, but I suspect that the result may be very similar to what Cinema 4D outputs when in the second mode, that's why is less forgiving.
For completeness, Blender does the same thing as Cinema 4D Catmull-Clark (N-gons) with rounded edges too.
Here's the highlights of my researches:
A user says that: in HERE.
So "sub-d n-gons" is the exact thing that SonicBlue mentioned it with Cinema4D software.
And also the user continues saying that: There are probably more features in Modo, but those might be available in Max or the others,too.
So I continued my research and found out that Modo is an awesome software for my needs for sure. And it's great for creating cars with Subd (Polygon) method.
But suddenly I saw Mr.CandyStripes05 recommends using NURBS method, So I extended my research and saw two tutorials.
The first tutorial was about creating cars with Subd:
The second was about NURBS:
And then I saw that some people here argue that 3DsMax's NURBS functionality is limited.
As someone says in HERE that:
By looking at the tutorials that I showed their links here fast, I figured out that modelling with NURBS is easier than Subd, but I have doubt that it is easier (As I heard some people that says working with Subd (Poly) is easier than NURBS). So if working with NURBS is easier, I'll go with Rehino, Otherwise if working with Subd is easier, I'll go with MODO.
According to what I said, I asking you guys - who are experienced and may know how to model cars for games - to help me by telling me which one is less time-consuming: Creating detailed cars with less poly possible with NURBS method or doing so with Subdivision method?
Since it's a game, the final result must be polygon. How you get there is entirely up to you.
My personal recommendation is just to go with polygonal modeling. /As I said the end result you're looking for is a polygon, so why not learn about it and get yourself familiar with it.
Something that for helped me a lot, when I was "learning" how to make vehicles
I just started making lowpoly car studies and gave myself a limitation of 2500 tris
And just tried to catch the main characteristics of the vehicle
After watching lots of tutorials from these key searches for 72 hours:
- How to model a car with NURBS with 3DSMAX
- How to create car in MODO
- How to model a car NURBS Modo
- NURBS vs Poly game (this search was not useful,though)
- and so on...
and watching tons of boring repetitive tutorials I found this result:Go on with what I was using before, 3DSMAX... .
I am creating a car with that software in my spare time with it, I will continue sharing the progress here by sharing screenshots of it.
I am happy now because I don't have to be worry about what software I should use for it anymore. Thanks for your replies,though.
start of thread: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=147504
(I can't calculate triangles but the rules are here in polygon counts)
Maximum possible for cars: 44000 for car exterior + 19000 for interior
Creating characters is not one of my duties for this game,though. Not all the models will have been made by me,though.
Since it's a drivable car in the game, the 3D model should have maximum 59000 polygons (both interior and exterior were calculated). However I want to try to finish it with only 20K-25K polys.
I've made a thread about it, you would go there for more information. Here's the URL address: