Hello Everyone
I'm looking for a Script in Maya and Max that automatically checks for Flipped UVs.
I know it can be done manually by applying a tiled texture with letters and numbers. But that is prone to errors specially when working with small geometry.
If you guys know anything please let me know. I've been looking for it but most posts are from 2010 back. ;p
I guess this is still manual but it's far more effective than inspecting a checker texture against your mesh.
Available for max and Maya a whole bunch of scripts to verify the integrity of your model. I think the UV check is an umbrella script for anything wack in your model, but it should at least help out.
Personally I tend to use the button in the maya uv editor that paints fwd facing uv's as blue and backfacing ones as red. seems to do the trick for me.
- edit, thanks to Bartalon for supplying the name of this button the 'shaded uv's'.
hope it helps!
Thanks for that. I'm a total noob at maya. I can use it just to get by.
I'm learning it little by little.
I download it. Its not working for Max2015
There are other usefull UV tools there too ( overlapping and missing UV )
would be interesteing to see what the error report is telling you, you may have installed the script incorrectly if you're new to maya. I'm selftaught, and it took me aeons to get my head around the script editor