Hello everyone! I'm a 4th year student studying Digital Media and decided to create two 3D game characters for my honours project (steampunk themed game). These are my first game models so was completely new to retopology and normal map baking.
One of the characters is a "Basher Bot" who has a slow powering up punch attack (there's exhaust pipes on each arm to indicate which one is powering up).
The workflow for this character was:-
Base mesh created in Maya > added some details using ZBrush > Baked normals using xNormal > Textured in Substance Painter
15,556 triangles total, around 6k just for the chains around the arm and knee joints. The player was meant to have a close up view of these chains and was also thinking of animation requirements of having to break them apart so a lot of triangles were allocated for these.
The next character is an engineer and the workflow was:-
High poly sculpt in ZBrush > Retopo in Topogun > Baked normals with xNormal > Texture in Substance Painter
8,656 Triangles for this one!
Originally I wanted to use hair planes but it didn't work out, so I used a different mesh to sculpt some hair on the guy which is why it is on two different UV maps as I'd already finished texturing in Substance Painter.
Any feedback/crits would be appreciated regarding the design, topology, overall quality or appropriateness for games or anything else would be greatly appreciated!
The human head however looks as it was made of plastic (pretty sure there is no plastic in Steampunk universe) and textures on his face look super clean and a bit to simple (unless it intended to mimic Pixar / Disney style for characters)
Really Like the robot!