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Seeking a Junior Pipeline TD - The Third Floor, Inc. (Los Angeles)

polycounter lvl 3
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thethirdfloor polycounter lvl 3
The Third Floor is looking for a Junior Pipeline TD.

The Third Floor was founded to help inspired filmmakers realize their creative visions. By creating highly detailed previsualizations, our animators & artists hold an impactful role in the film-making process. At The Third Floor, we work together on some of Hollywood's biggest films.

The role will involve supporting and creating tools for our previsualization workflow and pipeline. Day to day tasks will involve helping troubleshoot artist problems, testing and documenting new tools, learning and testing new workflows. There is a lot of potential to learn programming, VFX, motion capture, and technical skills.


● Python and Mel programming experience
● Excellent knowledge of Maya, After Effects and Microsoft Windows
● Knowledgeable in debugging, development testing, and problem solving
● Excellent communication & documentation skills
● Good understanding of the film-making process
● General knowledge of image formats and processing
● Able to complete tasks without direct management
● Flexible and able to work in a frequently changing environment
● Ability to prioritize production needs and tasks
● Detail oriented with strong ability to multi-task
● General understanding of networking and performance issues
● Understanding of data flow and management

Desired Additional Skills:

● Shotgun experience
● Computer Science Degree
● Knowledge of JavaScript, DHTML, Postgres, C++
● Experience with version control (git and/or SVN)
● Technical writing ability
● MotionBuilder
● Digital Asset Management
● FX and Shader development
● Rigging

To apply for the role please visit our recruitment website address at careers@thethirdfloorinc.com.
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