I was curious if you guys know of any cool features in max that isn't know by many user because I want to know if there is any more awesome tools in max I can have at my disposal.
Set the path: CLick the [...] and browse to the Unreal Project.
Usually C:\Users\USER_NAME\Documents\Unreal Projects\MY_PROJECT
No need to target the content folder directly just your specific project folder.
The script remembers the path so you only set it once per project.
The "Mat?" flag will force the material name to match the objects name.
The "Tri?" flag will apply a "turn to poly" modifier to mesh.
When you click export it will move the object to world 0 0 0, triangulate it (if flagged), trigger the export, delete the turn to poly modifier, then move the object back to were it came from.
Save the script to your .../scripts/startup folder and relaunch max, it will load the script when max starts and dock it in the top tool bar. That way it's always there for you.
Couple hidden things I use daily and can't live without now
Symmetry Tools: Realigns symmetry without using a symmetry modifier. I use this under a skin modifier all the time to make tweaks on one side and then transfer to the opposite. Saves a huge amount of time.
Modifier Button Sets: You can add commonly used modifiers to buttons. Way faster than opening up the drop down every time.
Skin Utilities: Extracts skin data to a mesh which you can export and transfer to other meshes. Sorta like skin wrap but I use this all the time to transfer skin data to other files. What I like about this is I can delete faces if I only want to update the skin data on parts of the mesh. Also useful for creating backup versions of skins.
When you click export it will move the object to world 0 0 0, triangulate it (if flagged), trigger the export, delete the turn to poly modifier, then move the object back to were it came from.
Hey Mark, are you sure this is still necessary? I know that in MODO, if I set the objects center to where I want it to be, the FBX export/import into UE4 respect that as the meshes origin. I wonder if the same is possible in Max via the pivot or something...
Hi, Sziada, glad you like SplineBrancher In the meantime I've gotten a few bugs worked out of it and have it running faster as well. The updated free and full versions are available at the same location. (Also, anyone who purchases the full version at any time will continue to get the newest versions as they become available.)
Edit: Cancel that....doesn't load at all in 2014
this little tool is quite useful.
+1 to this, Sped up my workflow a lot.
Symmetry modifier chains with different mirror axis rotations (good for 3D concepting).
Hm, works fine on '2014 here. Try the other versions on http://www.matthewlichy.com/turboTools.html (don't remember which one I installed) ..
Pressing 'R' will Reset Xform and Collapse the Stack:
Pressing 'Origin' will move the pivot to 0,0,0
Precision rotates there are quite nice as well.
Greg Amato has some rad plugs in for Max! And also has a quick exporter for UE4!
thanks dude, do you know if the export feature sets the model's transform to 0?
get baked look awesome and have been bob and text tool for a long time now, great tools
Hmm, I don't know actually. Haven't gotten a chance to mess with it yet, but in the demo video he created it looks like the meshes transform is in 0.
Dustin this is gold! Thanks for the share!
I wrote this one specifically for use with Unreal4:
Set the path: CLick the [...] and browse to the Unreal Project.
Usually C:\Users\USER_NAME\Documents\Unreal Projects\MY_PROJECT
No need to target the content folder directly just your specific project folder.
The script remembers the path so you only set it once per project.
The "Mat?" flag will force the material name to match the objects name.
The "Tri?" flag will apply a "turn to poly" modifier to mesh.
When you click export it will move the object to world 0 0 0, triangulate it (if flagged), trigger the export, delete the turn to poly modifier, then move the object back to were it came from.
Save the script to your .../scripts/startup folder and relaunch max, it will load the script when max starts and dock it in the top tool bar. That way it's always there for you.
Symmetry Tools: Realigns symmetry without using a symmetry modifier. I use this under a skin modifier all the time to make tweaks on one side and then transfer to the opposite. Saves a huge amount of time.
Modifier Button Sets: You can add commonly used modifiers to buttons. Way faster than opening up the drop down every time.
Skin Utilities: Extracts skin data to a mesh which you can export and transfer to other meshes. Sorta like skin wrap but I use this all the time to transfer skin data to other files. What I like about this is I can delete faces if I only want to update the skin data on parts of the mesh. Also useful for creating backup versions of skins.
Hi, Sziada, glad you like SplineBrancher