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Logitech ClearChat (Next-Gen)

polycounter lvl 12
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daniellooartist polycounter lvl 12
Hello everyone. I modeled my headphones. These are the headphones I own and I modeled them directly from life. I have also uploaded my source files so you can use them however you would like. This model is 2284 tri's with 2048 textures. I would like to thank Bartalon on the forums. Last week was turbulence to say the least since the Substance workflow was something new and he really got me up to speed.

I am attempting to model for next gen. This is a prop but it is a key piece. How am I doing? Does it look ok? Are there areas that I can improve on? Is it anywhere close to professional quality? If there is something that is severely lacking I'll update the thread with any requested changes.



Source Files: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h4txrhguqvtyfeb/headphonesv01.zip?dl=0

Image References:





  • Lt_Commander
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    Lt_Commander polycounter lvl 10
    The material definition could use some work.

    The padding doesn't hold true to the source material, it looks more like a hard plastic then something soft. Some sculpted wrinkles, tearing, and exposed foam could help, as could some strategically placed stitching to reinforce what the material is supposed to be. At the very least, you should try to push some of the existing cracking onto the normalmap, possibly masked to only show up around the cavities.

    The aging also is all over the place, and some of it highlights stretching on the UV map, particularly on the casing just above the earpiece assembly. All of it feels pretty auto-generated, the cavity dirt is too uniformly masked in the cavities.

    I was goign to say that it's missing the boon, but now that I took a second look, it's just folded up. The presentation shots would be better served by keeping that down, and a 2/3rds shot of the entire headset in a position we'd be able to recognize it would help as well. (an image like this: http://images.highspeedbackbone.net/skuimages/large/logotech-981000010-L23-6678.jpg)

    If you're going for 2k textures for a hero prop, it's fine to give it a little more geo, the silhouette around the ear pieces really suffers some artifacting from the low polycount.

    Man, rereading this is sounds like I'm trying to be mean, but I'm not, I promise! I hope you do some more iteration on this, there's potential here.
  • 3dReaper
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    3dReaper polycounter lvl 4
    You have a 2k map, use that res for detail!

    Where is the wire? That would add a bit to the overall piece.

    What Lt_Commander pointed out is all true, if this is a folio piece add more definition to your mesh. The material needs to be defined much more realistically especially if you use PBR.
  • HighSchoolHero
  • daniellooartist
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    daniellooartist polycounter lvl 12
    Thank you so much for your response. It really means a lot to me guys. I'll definitely make the changes and add wrinkles now that you mentioned it. I am confused by some of the other comments.
    try to push some of the existing cracking onto the normalmap, possibly masked to only show up around the cavities.
    Are you referring to the cracking on the padding in the reference image?
    The aging also is all over the place, and some of it highlights stretching on the UV map, particularly on the casing just above the earpiece assembly. All of it feels pretty auto-generated, the cavity dirt is too uniformly masked in the cavities.
    I'm really sorry. I'm new to a lot of this. Can you elaborate? 'm not sure what you mean by cavities or all over the place aging. Should I just lower the resolution? I can't think of anymore ways to add believable detail without over-grudging it.

    Also, what would be a good tricount? I'm not too familiar with the standards. The only point of reference I had was shadowfall's 50K character and I thought, "eh, 2K should be proportional to Shadowfall's model."
  • Bartalon
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    Bartalon polycounter lvl 12
    A lot of your details are very uniform across the entire model. Try to think about how the object is used on a daily basis and where grime would accumulate (based on the environment it is in), and where other areas would be worn down from constant use. A good example is your keyboard. I bet your ctrl, alt, shift, and space keys are lacking a considerable amount of their original plastic texture and are noticeably glossier. Try to apply the same thought process to the areas on your headphones.

    Don't worry about hard limits on tri count if it's for your portfolio. Don't go crazy, but don't be afraid to add in some extra polygons to make round pieces more round, or to bevel out some edges.
  • daniellooartist
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    daniellooartist polycounter lvl 12
    Hahahaha, you would be right Bartalon. WASD as well has been worn like crazy. Based on your response I think I know what Lt_Commander means by cavities now. I see a lot of people put grime around seams and edges, however I don't see this happen too much in real life.

    I'm adding wrinkles as we speak but I'm still confused on the cavity aspect. My keyboard is cheap and ancient and all the dust is uniformly spread. Same goes for my headphones and my old tower. I'm looking around my room and dust appears to accumulate in lower areas as i it were a gradient. If putting grunge near the edges makes it look better I'll do do it, but what are your thoughts?
  • daniellooartist
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    daniellooartist polycounter lvl 12
    EDIT: updated roughness in the source file and the bottom image.

    Hello everyone. I updated my headphones based on what Lt_Commander mentioned. After looking at other PBR assets, I chose white dirt so the scuffing derail has contrast to the black base color and stands out, even from far away. I'm not sure if I should continue to iterate or just move on to the next prop and learn fom my mistakes there. The model is 3308 tris and 1689 verts.

    Added wrinkles (exaggerated)
    Controllable scuffing
    Fixed a few stretching and normal issues

    Source Files 138MB (Use them for whatever you want):


    Albedo Map
    Normal Map
    Ambient Occlusion Map
    Roughness Map
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