I've been experimenting with Toonshading for a bit. Jennifer Hendrich did the basemesh and I'm working on the rendering 2d effects. Still need to fix the hair since it's not really quite as flat as it should be. Also her tummy probably needs 1 less shadow layer.
Also I have a few questions that I'm sure guys could help with. Is there any way to have toonshader objects cast shadows on each other in Maya? I'm using the built in one that involves gradiant ramps. The only way I know to do it so far is to combine everything into literally 1 object but that seems like a messy solution. Especially if there's two characters involved. I guess I could look into shader effects but it'd be cool if someone knew a faster solution.
I think I could figure it out in Softimage since the CGFX in it is pretty awesome but It'd probably be safer with Maya as that program is discontinued.
You could try to use a transparent eye layer for this e.g:
( it may be just as easy to add some setting in your shader though)
Hope this helps dude!
Good luck!