Hey everybody. I've been working on a low poly version of some sort of dwarven/viking monument that you can see here. I'm using Zbrush and Maya alternatively, first i created the base mesh in Maya.
My problem is I don't exactly know what would be the best thing i could use between Bump map / Normal map / Vector displacement to lower the geometry count in my scene, without having to export the 1.5 million poly mesh.
1.5 million poly mesh here
It's not final but i've tried rendering with the high poly mesh and there is no way i could render an animated version with such high poly count.
Did any of you ever export successfully from Zbrush to Arnold? My routine is to duplicate the high poly mesh, Zremesh it a lot, then add 3 or 4 subdivison levels and project the High detail on the Zremeshed one at the highest subdivision level. What I want to do is export the lowest poly version with X maps (bump/normal/VD, but really, I don't know which one or twos), I could really use some tips and tricks if you know what to do. I know the vector displacement requires you to check Catclark and get the level up to your highest subdivision level but it always gives me some smoothed version of the mesh, and not a detailed one.
Thanks in advance