Hi polycount, Im hoping to start gaining/improving some sculpting skills so I will document my progress for this model in this thread. I'm still very new to sculpting and this is my first thread in the critiques section so ruthless critique is welcomed!:
I found this cool rifleman on the 2D conceptbank thread and it seemed like it would be a challenge but doable
And here's my progress so far, just working on the head.. (cheekbones giving me hell)
and here's my drawover comparison/ what to do next:
I also noticed that the eyes on mine are too close together, so I need to push them apart a bit. Thats all I have for now though, I know its not close to being done so am hoping to improve it a lot.
And then I have a few questions about stuff too. Making this model I started with just the default head in zbrush and warped it as a starting point. is that "allowed"??? or is it better to start from scratch from a circle or square? i used the default head because the last head i made i had some issues visualizing the aread inbetween the eyes (bridge of the nose and the valleys on either side along with making the eye sockets point in the right direction etc etc etc)
heres my attempt at blocking out the turban.. already hitting some problems because i have never seen a turban which sits on someones head so far back and with the ends sticking out from the sides, but i tried to make do with the references i had (hopefully someone more knowledgeable can point out any illogical parts or clashing of culture)
perhaps someone could give me some advice on beard hair? ive seen guides for head hair before but it doesnt seem so applicable for beards