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Number of unique bakes in Environment Art?

polycounter lvl 13
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BradleyWascher polycounter lvl 13
Hey guys! Simple question, I've been working as an environment artist for several years but I've mostly been worked on mobile or vr projects where numbers of textures/materials/draw calls needs to be minimal. So I find myself using tiling textures on basically everything.

Just curious at how often you find yourself creating art assets for the environment that are unique texture bakes(Mobile vs High End PC title). Or better question how do you deem something important enough for a unique bake?

I feel like I'm suffering from performance optimization anxiety haha where I always tell myself "ah I could just do that with tiling textures" all the time. Any an all comments are welcome, would love to hear what you guys have to say. Cheers :)


  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Well I think there are so many answers to this and depends on the studio/workflow as well.

    I have noticed more of a push towards multiple shared materials/textures, blending, masks, etc than 0-1 unwraps and unique textures.

    Of course there is always a balance for quality/texel desnsity.
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