Hello There.
I've encountered a problem hoping you guys can help me.
I have to render a 360 view of a car with 8 different colors. and I want to render the color changing part separately so I can render static (in the means of color) objects only once. So the best thing came to my mind was to use the invisible to camera check and use the alpha of the car body, the problem is in this method alpha doesn't consider order of objects and I yet get the other side of the car body in alpha which in a beauty pass should not be seen. I dunno if I make myself clear enough. I need a method to render beauty and alpha pass of a single object yet have the effect of the surrounding objects on it as well.
Sorry can't tell it better.
Put a hue and sat slider on your diffuse pass and bingo, one multicoloured car
Also check out Render Mask
Best thing would be to use After Effects or some other video compositor. If you don't have those, then you can use 3ds Max's material editor to do this, it's just a bit clunkier.
In the Compact material editor, make a Composite map, and load each sequence in there as layers, then set their blending modes. If you right-click on the sample sphere, you can choose Render Map to output the composite result...
As for GI colour I would render the car as a mid grey colour. That way you won't gett any mismatching colours spreading around in your render after you change colour